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Beca and Amelia walked into their English class laughing which took everyone by surprise, but once they just minded their own business. The two of them sat down and began talking to their friends before turning to Stacie who pulled out a curling iron and started to do her hair.

"What are you doing?" Benji asked and Beca just laughed and shook her head.

"What does it look like?" Stacie replied. "I woke up late and didn't have time to do my hair."

"Will you do mine next?" Emily asked and Stacie nodded with a smile.

Beca turned around to say something to Chloe but was cut short when their teacher walked in.

"Good morning, class," she smiled as the door shut and she started passing out papers. "Today we are going to do partner work- Stacie. What are you doing?"

The brunette just looked at the woman as she let the last section of hair she curled down. "Curling my hair."

"Well put it away," Miss. Weinstein said and waited for the teen to do so which she did in a matter of a 30 seconds but not without a sigh. "Now, as I was saying, we will be working in partners today so come up and look who your partner is."

As they did so, Beca stayed in her seat and waited for the traffic to die down some before she got up. In the meantime, she turned to her best friend and smiled.

"Hi, stranger," she said with a giant smile on her face.

"Hello, Beca," Chloe replied with the most beautiful smile Beca ever saw. "What?" she asked when Beca's smile faded a little but she still had a smile.

"Nothing, I just- I..." Beca shook her head. "I just really missed you."

Chloe looked over Beca's face and she would have sworn Beca was about to cry. "I really missed you too. How was your weekend?"

"Oh, I got my ass kicked but it was good. I think we all needed it," Beca responded and went to say something else but was stopped by hearing one of Chicago's friends.

"Ew, dude you got the dyke."

Chloe must have heard it to because she turned her head to see who said it. Brody, a football player with short blonde hair and wearing a letterman jacket, was staring right at Beca.

"Beca, don't listen to them," Chloe started as she looked back at the woman who just shook her head.

"It doesn't bother me anymore," Beca lied and Chloe knew it was a lie and Beca knew that Chloe knew.

"That's it!" they heard Jesse shout before tackling Brody onto the floor before delivering a few punches to his face. Brody got the upper hand though and punched Jesse hard in the jaw before shoving him over and giving him a good punch right back.

"It's only be 10 fucking minutes," Beca sighed in a defeated manner before she turned around and slumped in her chair. She even ran her hands through her hair and wiped away a stray tear that had fallen.

"Cut it out!" The principal yelled as he rushed in, just passing the classroom when he saw what happened through the window. He pushed the kids away before pulling Jesse and Brody away from each other. "My office, now!"

Jesse glared at the man before fixing his shirt and heading out of the room, jerking his arm away from Aubrey when he passed by.

"Let's go, Brody," the principal ushered and said a few words to Miss. Weinstein before leaving the room.

"This isn't fair that my friends are now getting in trouble for defending me," Beca shook her head  but didn't say anything else until the class was over. She did her work with Chicago and then left the room as soon as possible and headed for the principal's office to see what happened. Jesse and Brody did get suspended and wouldn't be back until Thursday of that week and Beca cursed under her breath.

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