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"You did what?" Stacie yelled, not believing what she had just heard.

"What was I suppose to do, Stacie? She was mad at me and I couldn't lie to her anymore!" Beca returned, holding her arms out.

"Oh, I don't know, maybe not tell her?" The taller brunette said sarcastically. "Beca, you're not suppose to tell people! Don't you think I wanted to tell my best friend, who is a werewolf, that I was a werewolf? Everyday, Beca, for five damn years! I had to deal with you being pissed at me numerous times but I never told you!"

"Well I'm sorry that I'm not you!" Beca yelled back.

The two women were currently in Beca's living room, hashing it out. They were the only two home, so they didn't care who heard. Not that anyone really could, her neighborhood wasn't the most quietest and the houses were pretty far apart.

Stacie shook her head with her arms crossed over her chest before softly asking, "How much did you tell her?"


"Beca," Chloe pushes on, knowing better than to push her best friend for answers yet someone feeling like she needed to.

Beca shook her head before standing up and walking back over to the window. "I shouldn't have said anything. This was all wrong and-"

"I'm not letting you run away again," Chloe said a little sternly yet caring as she shut her window and locked it before moving between the brunette and the window. "Please, just tell me. Just rip the bandaid off."

Beca nodded as she repeated that last sentence several times like she was talking to herself. She walked around the room as she played with her fingers before finally turning around to face the redhead who was watching her.

"This is going to sound crazy and I'm going to need you to believe me, but I'm a werewolf."

Beca's heart was racing a million miles a second as she waited for Chloe to say something. It was quiet for several seconds and Beca could hear Chloe's heart beating as it pumped blood in and out.

"I'm sorry, what?" Chloe let out a nervous laugh. "Are you crazy?

Beca shook her head. "No, I swear. That week I left school? That was because I finished the transformation and Stacie and Jesse had to teach me to control myself."

"Wait, what?" Chloe shook her head. "Control yourself? And what, Stacie and Jesse are in on this too? Where are they?" She asked as she looked around her room and outside of the window as if she were being punked.

Beca closed her eyes and shook her head. "I'm not messing with you, Chlo. We're a pack and my dad is the alpha and one day I'll be one too. That headache I had during school was part of the transformation process and why I've been acting so weird. I didn't even know I was a werewolf until Stacie told me and that was after my eyes turned golden in the middle of class." Chloe rolled her eyes and Beca pushed further, now determined than ever to get her best friend to believe her. "Stacie, Jesse, and their families are a part of my pack. Where do you think I learned how to fight so fast? I was taken out to the woods several states over to learn to not only fight, but to withstand torture. Amelia appeared out of nowhere and we ended up fighting but that's when she told me about my father's affair. And then we came home and that's when you witnessed what happened that night." Beca looked at Chloe and sighed. "Please, Chloe, you have to believe me."

Chloe stared at her best friend before softly asking, "Can you show me?"

"What?" Beca asked taken back.

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