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Beca sat up straight in bed as she tried to catch her breath. Tears ran down her cheeks, the crystal clear pictures from her nightmare plaguing her mind. She covered her face with her hands, lying down on her side as she tried to process what had just happened.

The nightmares were becoming more frequent and it's not like it changes; it's always the same nightmare. She was tired. She barely got any sleep, either waking up from the nightmare or staying up late thinking about what it could mean. Then there was being at school for eight hours then coming home to do homework. All on top of training with the pack and separately with her dad.

He was different too. Beca had noticed he was taking less of a role in the pack, pushing her to be more of an alpha than he was. At first she thought he was trying to start the change from him being alpha to her, but over time she's noticed how he winces when he moves certain ways or how hard it's becoming for him to pick up and move heavier things. Not to mention he's starting to look older. Granted he was getting up there in age, but it just sort of happened out of nowhere.

Was he okay? Was he sick?

She was brought out of her thoughts when there was a knock on her door.

"Wake up, Beca. Gotta get ready for school," she heard Amelia say and she groaned before practically crawling out of bed and headed straight for the shower. The hot water hitting her skin soothed her muscles and she just leaned against the wall and closed her eyes.

School wasn't much fun either. her lack of sleep caused her classes to feel longer and the day to drag on and on. She was currently sitting at lunch with her friends with a book in her hands, ignoring all the noise around her.

The barbershop was strangely quiet. Only the dull buzz of clippers shearing soft scalps. That was before the barber caught you watching her reflection in the mirror as he cut her hair, and saw something in her eyes too. He paused and turned towards you, his dreads like thick beautiful roots dancing with excitement as he spoke:

'You two are in something. I don't know what it is, but you guys are in something. Some people call it a relationship, some call it friendship, some call it love, but you two, you two are in something.'

You gazed at each other then with the same open-eyed wonder that keeps startling you at various intervals since you met. The two of you, like headphone wires tangling, caught up in this something. A happy accident. A messy miracle.

You lost her gaze for a moment and your breath quickened, as when a dropped call across a distance gains unexpected gravity. You would soon learn that love made you worry. but it also made you beautiful. Love made you Black, as in, you were most colored when in her presence. it was not a cause for concern; one must rejoice! You could be yourselves.

"Can I have your chicken sandwich?" Jesse asked, bringing Beca out of her thoughts.

The woman looked between Jesse and her plate of food that hasn't been touched. She doesn't even know why she got food to begin with; she didn't even want to eat.

Practically seeing the desperation for food in his eyes, she nodded and he was a little too quick to reach over and grab it, knocking down her water bottle in the process.

"Easy, Jesse," Chloe said as she moved to pick up her girlfriend's water.

Beca looked at her with a smile and leaned over to kiss her cheek before whispering an 'I love you' in her ear. She went back to her book and continued reading.

Later, walking in the dark, you were overcome. You told her not to look at you because when your gazes meet you cannot help but be honest. Remember Baldwin's words? 'I just want to be an honest man and a good writer.' Hmm. Honest man. You're being honest, here, now.

Existential (Bechloe)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें