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"Hey, Beca. Can I talk to you for a minute?" Her father asked and Beca got up from the ground where the teenagers were all playing uno.

"Yeah, what's up?" She asked and he just walked the two outside and began heading into the woods. "Is everything okay?"

"Yeah," he smiled as he looked around at the trees. The two walked in silence for a few more minutes, Beca looking at the ground as her feet crunched the leaves and branches beneath her. "Have I ever told you about how I met your mother?"

At the mention of her mother, she looked up and shook her head. "I know you guys met in high school, but that's about it."

John nodded and said, "I was 17 and I had just finished up a baseball game." He looked at his daughter with a proud smile. "We won, 4-1. Anyway, we all went out to this little diner to celebrate. We were all just messing around and I remember hearing the door open. I turned around at the sound of the bell and there she stood." He smiled at the memory. "She was in a beautiful pink dress, her hair pulled back on the sides and the curls just falling down her back. She was absolutely stunning."

"Did you go and talk to her?" Beca asked as she stepped around a huge rock.

"No," her father chuckled. "I was too scared too. Your mother, however, was absolutely fearless. You're more like her than me and I couldn't be more grateful for that. That whole night the boys had realized I kept looking over at her, her and her friends smiling and giggling as they do. We were getting ready to leave when she walked over to us and looked me dead in the eye, smiled, and said, 'Hi, I'm Grace. I couldn't help but notice you watching me like a lunatic.'"

"She said that?" Beca asked with a smile as she watched her father's face light up as he talked about his wife.

"Yeah," he nodded.

"What happened next?"

John looked over at his daughter and replied, "I stood up, took her hand, gave it a kiss and said, 'Hi, I'm John and I couldn't help but notice you staring at me like an angel.'"

"Dad, that's so cheesy," the brunette laughed.

"Maybe, but she loved it," he chuckled. "We ended up ditching our friends and spending the night out in the city and the rest is history."

Beca was quick to wipe a tear while her father wasn't looking.

"I need to tell you about mates," John said, not knowing how to ease into it. Beca looked at him with furrowed eyebrows. "Every werewolf has one and mates are like more permanent versions of the human soul mate. You want to stay near them; it almost hurts to be away from them. They're protective and jealous and can also be possessive. They make you want to be a better person and they become your best friend, confidant and lover. You never have to be alone again."

"Dad, is this some weird take on the birds and the bees? Because I already know about sex," Beca interrupted and her father shook his head.

"No, we're not having the sex talk but speaking of-"

"No. Dad, please don't," Beca begged and her father just laughed at seeing his daughter's face get red.

"Look, every werewolf has a mate, but not every pair find each other. Some werewolves find their mates quickly, and others may take years or none at all," the alpha explained.

Beca looked up at him and asked, "Was mom your mate?"

"No," he sighed. "She wasn't. I never found my mate, but I was in love with your mother. She was my whole world and I would have done anything for her. Grace was so special and truly an angel. She was even more perfect than what I thought she was that night at the diner."

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