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Day 2

"Fuck," Beca groaned when she hit the ground hard. She only took a second to catch her breath before flipping herself up off the ground and throwing a punch in Jesse's direction.

He dodged it and kicked her legs out from under her making her fall to the ground once more.

"I'm starting to think there's no other way for me to not get knocked on my ass," she groaned as she took his hand and got up.

"You're leaning too far forward. Try putting some weight on your back foot," he advised and she nodded before getting ready once more.

They both did the same exact thing as the previous times, this time Beca taking Jesse's advice and putting her weight on her back leg. When the older teenager went to grab her hand, she stepped back and twisted his arm, his body completely flipping over hers as she bent over.

"There's our little badass!" Stacie cheered, clapping her hands as she stood up from against the car hood. "Shall we move to the basement?"

"The basement?" Beca asked after helping her friend up who dusted dirt off his toned stomach.

"Yeah," he smirked. "We're going to introduce you to the world of healing so come on."

Beca furrowed her eyebrows but followed the two werewolves inside and to the dark basement where the brunette immediately smelled the cement walls and a sort of musty smell.

"What are we doing down here?" The brunette asked and Stacie flipped a switch that lit up the entire room.

There weren't a lot of things down there, just a table with tools, a few buckets here and there, and what looked to be a metal bar sticking out from the wall with some chains sitting in a pile on the floor.

"Take your shirt off," the blonde said and Beca turned to see her friends watching her.


"Take your shirt off and get over by the wall so we can chain you to the bars," Jesse said. "This is to show you how to heal and withstand torture."

"What, are you preparing me for a fucking war?" She joked but pulled her shirt off anyway which left her in her sports bra.

"If it comes down to it, yes," he said immediately after, moving to chain her up while Stacie went to grab a few things. "We've all been through this before. You don't really get the whole concept of healing until your body has actually been through it. In our pack, we think it's best to expose you before someone else does and you go into shock. If you go into shock, you'll freak out, want to get out, and then ultimately end up telling them whatever they need to know or do whatever they want you to do."

"Okay, but wouldn't I either give in eventually or get killed for not conforming?" Beca asked, looking up at her hands that were tied together by rope before they were held up high by the chains that put Beca a foot off the ground.

"I don't know, you tell us," Jesse said stepping back and Stacie walked up to them.

"We're pretty good at finding another pack member quickly, but in the off chance that we can't, you need to be able to hold yourself and not open your mouth," she said cracking her hands before her neck. "In the meantime, they will use any means necessary to get you to do what they want but the two biggest weaknesses are silver nitrate and wolfsbane."

"And the purpose of me taking my shirt off was so that you can kill me slowly?"She half heartedly joked.

"If we did that," Stacie chuckled. "We'd not only be down a pack member and our future alpha, but also a best friend. So no, we're not here to kill you, however, we are going to torture the hell out of you."

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