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"Look, I'm never going to get over what dad did, but I'll agree to stop bringing it up if we end this conversation right here," Amelia sighed as she plopped down on the couch.

"Agreed," Beca said at the same time Jesse spoke up.

"What? It's that easy? I thought I was gonna get to be cool and mediate a sister feud."

"I'm sure there will be more," both women muttered before glancing up at one another.

Silence fell over them for a few moments before Beca said, "I'm going to go find Stacie and Chloe."

"They're at the lake," Jesse informed.

Beca smiled at him before heading to the door and stopping. "And Amelia." She turned to face the younger woman who was looking back at her. "I know you don't care or believe me when I say this, but I care for you. You're my sister and I will do anything to protect you. Whether you accept that or not, that's up to you, but just because you hate everyone doesn't mean everyone hates you." The 16 year old paused for a few moments before opening the large door and stepping out onto her porch.

Beca walked all the way to the lake then followed Chloe's scent a couple miles further into the woods before she heard her and Stacie laughing. She stopped and quietly climbed the tree she was by before watching over the two women.

When Stacie glanced behind her, Beca knew that she knew she was there but continued to sit and watch.

She didn't listen into what they were saying, but instead, kept her eyes on that perfect smile of the plump lips she loved so much. Chloe has her head turned to the side in order to look at Stacie while she told some story about Jesse's embarrassing moments that weren't disclosed to the rest of the group, the redhead laughing in response.

You're staring.

Beca jumped and looked around her before coming to the realization that it was Stacie who spoke to her, but it was with the pack telepathy.

The 16 year old looked down at Stacie just as she looked up at her and still paying attention to Chloe.

I'm not staring, Beca responded and watched Stacie raise an eyebrow before clearing her throat.

"Do you wanna know something cool?" the woman asked the redhead who nodded excitedly. Stacie glanced to her right which made Chloe furrow her eyebrows before turning to her left.

Her eyes traveled around the forest before bringing her eyes up to the closest tree, smiling when she saw Beca standing on a branch as she leaned against the tree itself, her arms crossed over her chest. Her long brown hair traveled down her back and over her shoulders, a smile playing at her lips.

"What are you doing up there?" Chloe called out.

Beca just shrugged and replied, "Enjoying the view." She lifted her leg as if to take a step before letting herself drop to the ground before brushing herself off. "Are you okay?"

"I should be asking you that," Chloe replies softly as she walked over to the 16 year old and brought both her hands up to rest on her cheeks.

Beca smiled and brought her own hands up to rest on top of Chloe's. "Better than ever." She paused and looked up at Stacie. "Did you tell her everything she wanted to know?"

"And then some," Stacie nodded. "Is everything okay with the sister?"

The brunette sighed exaggeratedly. "Yeah, Jesse did some mediator shit and she agreed to stop talking about her abandonment issues."

"Abandonment issues are serious psychological problems though," Chloe spoke up softly.

"Yeah, but that doesn't give her a right to attack me whenever she gets sad or angry," Beca raised an eyebrow.

"No," the redhead trailed off. "But maybe she's just really craving the father figure and big sister she never had." She glanced at Stacie. "You say the man who murdered Mrs. Mitchell was the man who took Amelia in, right?" The taller woman nodded but still looked confused. "Even then, he probably wasn't a good father figure."

"So?" Stacie asked as she shrugged her shoulders.

Chloe let out a small chuckle. "So, even if she had that other guy along with a whole pack who took care of her and taught her the basic survival skills and more, she knew they weren't her family." She paused and looked at the other two women who were listening intently. "She knew who her mother was and who her father was. Even though she never met you guys, she knew she had a brother and sister who she thought wanted nothing to do with her. You guys have to remember that she was the one who killed her own mother, right? Wasn't she just nine years old?"

"Well, yeah, but-"

"But nothing, Beca," Chloe cut her off. "I understand that she's a wild card who you may or may not be able to trust. And I can't even imagine what you must be going through or your father, or your pack. But at the end of the day, she's your 15 year old sister who she thinks was abandoned by her family, killed her own mother while figuring out what the hell she was becoming. Could you imagine living in a world where you thought mythical creatures were just that? Mythical?"

"Yeah," Both werewolves said in unison but Chloe quickly spoke up again.

"But didn't have someone there to tell you what you were becoming? Didn't have someone there to teach you how to transform back into a human? She was stuck as an animal for God knows how long, just running and running away from the house she knew. From her own mother who she killed. Scared and alone. And then, when she found the mystery man- or he found her or however it happened, he was a complete stranger and there is no way that he could have been warm toward her if he tortured and murdered your mother."

Beca's lips parted as she looked down at the ground, tears starting to burn her eyes. It was silent for a few seconds before they heard a sniffle. "Yeah," Beca nodded as wiped her eyes and looked up. "You're right. I guess I've never given her situation and what happened to her much thought. And it doesn't help that this new world is new to me as well. Chloe?"


Beca looked into the bright blue eyes and smiled. "Thank you."

"Of course," the redhead smiled back.

The silence took over them until Stacie broke it along with the sexual tension that was building.

"So, Chlo," she cleared her throat as the woman looked at her. "Ever wondered what it was like to ride a werewolf?" All three of their eyes widened before she back pedaled. "I mean as the werewolf is running. You know, like riding a horse but more mythical, exotic, fast...not sexual?"

As Chloe laughed, her face going almost as red as her hair, Beca said, "Stacie?"



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