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"I'm going to be late for school," Beca said as she tried to sidestep her father who was standing in front of her.

"I know Stacie told you," he replied and Beca stopped moving. "We need to talk."

"Oh now you wanna talk," she let out a laugh. "Where was that, I don't know, six years ago?"

"You have to listen to me, Beca," he said louder which got her to be quiet. He sighed and added, "Talk to Stacie about this, okay? You're going to need her, but I do want to tell you that no matter how much you get mad at her, she is still your pack member. Her, Jesse, their parents, me and your mom-"

"What about my mother?" She interrupted. "She abandon me- us so why bring her up?"

"She didn't abandon you, Beca," he tried but she wasn't listening.

"Last time I checked, leaving your family without telling anyone where you were going, was abandonment," she yelled.

"She didn't abandon us," he reiterated. "She was murdered." He watched the gears shift in his daughter's eyes and it broke his heart. "She was alone at night and another pack killed her all because she knew too much."

She stared up at him with glassy eyes as she tried to take in what her father told her. "Why didn't you just tell me that? Why did you have to lie about what happened?"

He shook his head and sighed once more. "How do you tell your five-year-old daughter who adores her mother, that she was brutally murdered in an alleyway?"

"Not like this," she whispered before adjusting her backpack strap on her shoulder. "I gotta go," Beca added and without another word, she slipped out the door and made her way to school, trying not to cry on the way in fear of it ruining her eyeliner.

She walked through the halls to get to her locker when she heard Chicago's obnoxious voice.

"Fresh meat," he laughed as she heard someone being pushed into a locker. She turned her head to the left as she shut her locker door, seeing a whole crowd of students blocking off where she needed to go.

Sighing she made her way over, pushing through the crowd before she saw Chicago pushing a freshman up against the lockers. The kid had curly blonde hair and wore glasses on the tip of his nose and had on a jacket and jeans which wasn't very different than the jeans and letterman jacket the jock always wore.

"Come on, man. Just let me go," the freshman tried reasoning but to no avail.

"Nah, I think I'll make you my bitch," the senior said and Beca shook her head.

She rolled her eyes before making her way to the other side, only to be stopped by Chicago himself.

"Where are you going?" He asked with his hand squeezing her shoulder.

"Class," she responded not turning around. "You should try it sometime. You might just learn something."

The crowd 'oohed' and Beca just shook her head, moving to leave only to be pulled back by the strap of her bag.

"Okay, seriously?" She asked turning to face him. He was two feet taller than her but she was already pissed off today as it was so he wasn't intimidating to her.

"Yes, seriously," he mocked and she rolled her eyes.

"Get your fucking hand off me or I swear to God-"

"What?" He pushes on before smirking. "What are you gonna do?"

She didn't let a second go by before she balled her left hand into a fist and hit him right in the jaw, knocking him back a few feet. Chicago slid and hit his back hard against the lockers which made the hallway grow quiet.

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