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"Chloe, hey," the redhead heard and immediately closed her locker, grabbed her backpack and went to meet her friends. "Hey, I'm sorry."

"Leave me alone, Jake," she said pulling her arm away from him.

"Have you heard anything from Beca?" He asked and she turned to him, his eyes looking over her right eye that was now a dark reddish purple and a little swollen.

"Really?" She asked and he just nodded. "No, I haven't. Now leave me alone."

When she started walking, he just ran his hand through his dark curly hair and followed her. "Chloe, I'm really sorry about hitting you. I never meant to hurt you. Please, you have to believe me."

"I don't care, Jake," she said louder. "I want you to leave me alone and never talk to me again. Don't ask me how I'm doing or if I've heard anything about Beca who you really don't care about at all. Just please." She inhaled. "Leave me alone."

He didn't follow her after that and just kicked a random locker door shut as he watched her leave.

"Hey, guys," Chloe said as she caught up to all her friends out front of the school. "Have any of you heard anything?"

"No, sweetie," Emily said sadly as she rubbed Chloe's back. "How's your eye?"

"It hurts worse than it did yesterday but hopefully it'll start going down soon," she answered with a forced smile.

"Beca is going to kill him when she finds out," Benji spoke up and they all turned to him.

"Has she come home yet?" Aubrey asked the youngest of the group to break the silence that took over after Benji mentioned the short brunette.

"No," Amelia informed. "Dad asked about her this morning but I didn't say anything."

"Why not?" Chloe asked. "Shouldn't he know?"

Amelia looked at the taller woman and nodded. "Yeah, I was hoping she would be home by now but I'm gonna tell him when I get home. I should go. I'll see you guys later."

"Bye," Benji and Aubrey called as she turned to leave and she waved at them, not turning around.

"That's my cue," Stacie said. "I gotta drive her back home. I'll catch up with you later."

"Bye, Stacie," the blonde sent her a smile and the brunette just smirked before pulling her into a hug.

"Call me later?" Aubrey asked softly and Stacie nodded her head.

It wasn't much longer that they had all left, Stacie, Jesse and Amelia going to talk with their Alpha who wasn't going to be very happy.

"Hey, dad?" Amelia called out and her dad popped into the living room with a smile that faded when he saw the distrust look on the three teenager's faces.

"What's wrong?" He asked looked at each one of them. When the three of them didn't say anything and just looked at one another, John repeated his question with more authority. "What happened?"

"Well, do you remember when Beca left and said she was going over to Stacie's the other day?" Amelia asked and her father nodded.

"She never came over," Stacie said and when she saw the look on her Alpha's eyes she quickly added, "I didn't know anything about it. Beca never even texted or called me."

"Yeah, the next day at school we just thought she went to a relatives house or just needed time. But when she didn't show up today.." Jesse trailed off and they watched as John grabbed his phone to try his daughter's cell.

"Do you have any idea what this could mean?" He shouted before using the pack telepathy to tell Stacie and Jesse's parents they needed to get to his house as soon as possible. "Someone could have gotten to her and she could be in trouble!" He stepped up to Stacie and Jesse and the authority he held alone made them lower their heads. "You two are natural born warriors. Beca will be your Alpha one day so it's not just your job to protect the pack, but to protect her at all costs." He turned to his youngest daughter. "And you. Why didn't you say anything to me the second you realized she wasn't coming back?"

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