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"You're such a loser," Beca laughed as she stabbed her girlfriend's pancake with a fork.

"Hey, don't take my breakfast," Chloe replied, using her own fork to stab Beca's massive stack of banana pancakes. "I will never understand why your body needs to eat 12 pancakes in one sitting. They're not even small pancakes either, they're practically the size of your plate."

"You know," Beca started as she shoved a mouthful of pancakes in her mouth. "Nobody said you had to come over before school."

Chloe stared at her with a disgusted look yet smiling nonetheless. "You know," she started off mockingly as she used her own napkin to wipe the syrup and bit of pancake off Beca's mouth. "It just turns me on to no degree when you talk with your mouth open."

The brunette swallowed before smirking. "Oh yeah? Maybe I'll kiss you next time."

Just as Beca leaned in for a kiss, Chloe squealed and leaned back to get away. Unfortunately for her, she almost fell back but Beca had grabbed her chair to steady it before she could fall.

"You almost killed me!" Chloe laughed as she smacked Beca's arm.

"Me?" Beca laughed. "You're the one who didn't want a kiss."

"Because you have pancake all over your mouth!" Chloe belowed.

The two women calmed down enough to continue eating, still laughing over the previous events.

"Beca, I would really love it if you would stand with me later tonight," John said as he walked into the kitchen, heading straight for the refrigerator.

Beca's smile faded as her and Chloe's laughter ceased to exist. "Why?" She asked.

"Because I said so. Don't ask questions. You all are going to be late. Take your sister to school." He spoke in short, blunt sentences and Beca knew not to talk back.

"What's up?" Amelia asked bouncing into the kitchen.

"Don't talk to me," Beca muttered before picking up her and Chloe's plate and heading over to the sink.

"Who said I was?" Amelia replied. "Look, I've apologized multiple times. What more do you want?"

Beca turned around to glare at her sister. "Honestly? For you to leave. I never asked for a sister. I never wanted a sister but here you are because dad couldn't keep it in his pants-"

"Rebecca," John started but she shook her head.

"Let me talk," she said with authority. He didn't say anything so she turned to Amelia again. "And you. First you lie to me about me murdering someone, and now you're acting like everything is okay? Give me a break."

"I think we should go, Bec," Chloe said softly as she stood up.

"Yeah, come on," Beca replied as she grabbed onto her bag and Chloe's hand.

"What about me?" Amelia called out.

"You have five minutes until I'm leaving." The older woman replied before leading Chloe out of the house and into her car.


Beca was bored. That's what was going through her mind as she was sitting at her desk. Class had just started and she knew, just knew that it would only get worse. Why did her father want her to stand with her while he updated the pack on the murders?

Miss. Weinstein was standing behind her desk with a big cheery smile on her face. She was a wonderful teacher, but sometimes her cheerfulness was too much for Beca's liking.

"Today, we are going to start a classic in the horror genre," She said, her smile somehow growing. Beca had to stop herself from rolling her eyes. "Dracula by Bram Stoker. Before I pass out the books, can anyone tell me what they know about vampire myths?"

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