Getting Ideas

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This chapter is going to be about getting ideas. More importantly, original ideas.

If you're having trouble thinking of a storyline, just base it on your own life, or a little snippet of it! For example I'm a city girl who goes to a small country school. I liked a guy, but he was a jerk, now I don't. My friend wants an apartment. All these things, though they may seem very boring, could make an okay story.

Why not pick a random person out of a crowd, and make up a life story about them? I do it all the time, and some of the time I'm actually right!

Need a new chapter? Take a funny event from your own life, edit it, and you've got yourself a new part to your story, for example, I could write a chapter about a girl who went to my school, who would smoke marijuana IN CLASS, with a big coat on. She hid it under the coat, wrapped the joint in a drier sheet, and voila. You've got yourself an expulsion, and a great story to tell.

How To Not Write Like an IdiotOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz