New Year New BS 2

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Okay I went all Martha Stewart with the Christmas cookies this year; who's complaining though?

So here is my Christmas gift to you:

Anyway, now is the time for New Year's resolutions, and many people are gonna be losing weight, being kinder people, eating better, exercising more (remember if you want to buy fitness equipment or athletic clothes now is the time to do it, they're all on sale).

We can make some changes around here too.

Here's some writing ones:

•Add a plot twist other than someone getting kidnapped, cheated on, or passing out. Maybe pull a Derek Shepherd moment

•Space those paragraphs! (:

•Avoid run-on sentences with a simple trick:
Ali doesn't like run-on sentences she doesn't use them.
Ali doesn't like run-on sentences [INSERT COMMA AND CONNECTING WORD OR A SEMICOLON] she doesn't use them.
Ali doesn't like run on sentences, therefore, she doesn't use them.
Ali doesn't like run on sentences; she doesn't use them.

•Why does Annalisamikala always have to have deadbeat parents? Can we give her some strong adult figures to look up to in her life sometime? This is more of a comment than a resolution, but still. Like Jenna Marbles (a little before most of your times) said, along the lines of, "Why do her parents have to be dead as **** to get anything done?"

And some not writing ones:

•Remember there are starving Venezuelans running out of infant formula, going hungry, and the Venezuelan government is covering it up

•Remember that to fit in somewhere you really just need to be nice

•Stop making being "savage" cool because it isn't cool just to be mean; stop making it trend

•POP out of your shell you gotta do something BIG go for it- mine was tripping out to NYC this year (not like super big I guess) on a whim; you don't need a ton of money to go places! I went to NYC, Jersey, and Chicago for like $300

•Doing something nice for someone else makes you feel way better about yourself- make the extra effort, go the extra mile.

TALK TO ME. I know a lot of you are middle schoolers, and I'll give you real advice (I have the best study advice there is, among other things). Even though I might get back to you a month later, I'm still open.

Anyway, enjoy this crappy present.

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