Basic Chicks

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When you think of basic, what do you think of? Starbucks, sweaters, and selfies? *Cough, cough, me.
But when you're on Wattpad, what is a basic girl? Let me see...
Oh you're writing a book? Oh, it's a fanfic too! Well, let me guess. The girl either had deadbeat or just plain old dead parents, or lives in a big house and probably resides in their own tax bracket. No in between.
What is she wearing? A crop top with some random saying, either short shorts or skinny jeans (sometimes colored) and some Vans. And when she's not wearing that? What should we do!? It's not easy enough to imagine exactly what it looks like! Better put a link to an Instagram or put the photo in the media at the beginning of the chapter. Because I'm SURE everyone cares enough, and has time to go see what my character wears that day. "It's like, sooooo relevant." Sorry nobody cares. Tata.

How To Not Write Like an IdiotTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang