Author's Junk

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Maybe some day the pictures at the top will actually have something to do with what I wrote..
Yeah, here's some personal messages from me, myself, and I.
You want to skip this chapter? Go for it.
One thing I would like to let you know is, when I talk crap about fanfics, it's not like I actually KNOW how "werewolves" reproduce or what color Liam Payne's eyes are. I'm just making crap up, because keep in mind I can't really read a fanfic I hate, and I'm interested in neither Louis Tomlinson's facial hair or vampires' digestive systems, okay?
If you see a grammatical error or a spelling mistake TELL ME. I will be so grateful. And by the way, remember I come from a REALLY weird school, so if you see random crap in a chapter, it may as well be from my own life.
Here's some stuff that happened this week:
My whole school smelled like weed for some reason, I rode 20 minutes in the back of the school counselor's car, collected bacteria from the back of a kid's neck, had communism explained to me using the Smurfs as an example, had a kid get in trouble for drawing a KKK horse on my hand, and rode in the back of some kid's grandpa's car. The end. How was your week?
I hope the people that appreciate this book (probably not many but I don't blame you don't worry) and read it when I update can get to know me, maybe I'll post some contact info or whatever, not many people have read this so whatever I guess, but talk to me I'm open!

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