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(Jessamine1031 helped with this chapter)
After Annalisamikala gets on her skinny jeans, crop top, and Vans, she heads off to school. Who does she see there?
1) The Queen Bee: This chick thinks she is all there is in life and rules the school. She gives *gasp nasty glares, gossips, and bullies the peasants into passivity. Though you can name a few sassy backstabbing lovely ladies at your school, really girls usually aren't like this.
2) The Scene Girl: This gal doesn't know what she wants with her life. From her creepy obsession with My Little Pony to her habit of hoarding Avengers merchandise, she seems to walk around like a flashing billboard- at least in her own mind. In all reality, like nobody thinks "Wow, this chick really knows her Blink 182 songs and has a great fashion sense!" and I have nothing else to say.
3) The Nerdy Girl: First of all, this girl isn't actually nerdy. No "nerdy girls" are those hotties that walk around with their ugly fake glasses and volumized hair and unnecessary accessory suspenders. Real nerdy girls aren't the ones that wear shirts that say "NERD" on them to try and be hip while taking a bubble-gum-blowing picture for their Instagram. Nerdy girls are a rare thing. They know their Dr.Who references and can do math. They don't dress like that so stop you frickin ditz.
4) The Emo Girl: This girl isn't really too far from reality (as crappy books can get). She hides in corners and every day is a huge dramatic adventure. Giving the wrong answer in class is not an excuse to run away crying and skip school. Bye.
5) The Diva: This girl dresses like she's on the runway every day of the year and makes everyone look bad. You can hear her from a mile away with the stupid CLICK, CLICK, CLICK, CLICK of her stupid heels and tries to complete assignments in eyeliner. Who wears stilettos to school? Her name's always like Jessica or Tasha or something like that and I'm over here like okaayyy...😬

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