BABS Gone Wild

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Wow, I actually thought of a chapter congrats.
I know, usually my chapters are better when I write them at 4 in the morning while I don't care about anything, but guess what it's almost 12 in the afternoon on a Saturday.
But I have to leave soon, so I probably won't get to go back over this and won't have a filter but deal with it.

We all know the story of the bad boy and the good girl.
The story usually begins with meeting him at school or somewhere stupid like a coffee shop. Why would he be buying coffee instead of heroin? Yes, we would all like to know.
There are two types of these "bad boys."
The First:
He wears a wife-beater and a leather jacket. Really??? when was the last time you have ACTUALLY seen a guy who rides a motorcycle and wears a leather jacket?
His hair is "slicked back." That is disgusting. He probably looks like a less Aryan version of Draco Malfoy. he always smokes, but somehow still has good teeth. Maybe it's just me, but smoking is one of the most unattractive things a guy can do, and you want to kiss that nasty-breath punk?

The Second:
This guy is the basic "I get to school late. What now SON??" You actually do see these in real life. He gets all the girls, probably drinks and gets bad grades, hangs out with the wrong crowd, and that's about the extent of his shady activities. He is probably wearing either jeans and a tee-shirt or a pair of Jordans with Nike socks and oversized basketball shorts.
Why are girls in these stories attracted to them? Nobody knows. Like "Oh sweetie, I just LOVE the way your cocaine makes your eyes red..." or "Honey, please don't spike the Kool-Aid, you know my little brother gets them mixed up."
These are the guys that will leave you either banging on their door for child support or make you the kind of person you read about on bathroom stalls. They just aren't a good influence.
Somehow, they always want to go after the "good girl." Let me think here... I get acceptable grades, score decent on standardized tests, show up to school, keep away from controlled substances, don't own a fake ID, and I still haven't had hoards of Jordan-clad wannabes showing up to my doorstep. I mean, its probably a good thing, but books are so out-of-line.
The girl always "accidentally" falls for him. Maybe she's just starting to get addicted to the nicotine from his second-hand smoke, but in all reality, she sits there going "Wow, I got weird butterflies, what if I like him? Psh, no that won't happen."
Then she turns the bad boy good with her "charm." In real life, this doesn't happen. I would actually have no problem with these books, if I didn't see them all over my discover page.
As usual I'm bad at ending chapters so ta-ta your ta-tas.
When I look for ideas for my chapters, I have to actually read part of these books, but then I go on my discover page looking for a decent novel and see all these werewolf-vampire One Direction bad-boy books and I want to cry.
Just thought I needed to get that out there. I WORK for this book.
Okay, not really, but anyway...

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