Combustive Friendships

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(That picture was taken by Sean O'Donnel, he's really hot. You're welcome.)
Something that bugs me with stories, fanfiction especially, is the way friendships are formed.
I was at Hollister, my FAVE store everrrrrrrr, and I saw this super cute crop top that doesn't make me look like a hoe at all! It was the last one! It was size XXXXSmall. Wait, will I look fat in it? A girl came up to the table crying. "What's wrong?" I asked. "That crop top... It's gone..." Even though I wanted it I gave it to her. "Oh thank you SO MUCH. You're a lifesaver!" I just smiled. "Let's be BEST FRIENDS!" Then we went to make fun of people in the food court together.
Friendships aren't usually this spontaneous. Especially between a girl and a guy.
I was in Wal-Mart looking at plastic wrap. I looked over to the paper towels, my next stop, when I saw him. His bright blue gorgeous ORBS glanced over the labels on the paper towels. I knew he was the one. I steered my shopping cart over to him. Good thing I have a full face of makeup which I told you all about in the first chapter. His piercing blue eyes and bright blond windswept hair blew me away with his Aryan looks. "Let's make out," he said. And we hid in the paper towel shelves and got steamy.
Please stop honestly. Like I can see "I looked down at the receipt and saw his number scrawled across the top." And I will apologize right now, but meet-and-greet does not end up with Harry Styles bringing you back to England or 🔩 on the tour bus.

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