Help Me.

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Let's begin with talking about me at my job.
I don't know how to use this cash register with 9,184,791,947 buttons, but I try. A for effort.

I'm not like those fanfiction girls I started to talk about in the last chapter unless it's me trying to reach something because I'm short.

If you didn't read the last chapter, it was about how these helpless creatures can't do anything themselves.

Annalisamikala (yes, I'm bring her back into this) pretty much just whines about everything.

She fell down and got a boo-boo?
Her man can fix that.

She can't find her way to the grocery store a block away?
No, she can't pull over and whip out Google maps like a navigation pro, she has to call her man to help.

Okay, I will admit that many of us would need help if we were stuck in some of the situations that she was in, like when she passes out all the time and can't make it through a day without a breakdown (a problem I'm starting to identify with).

But really, Annalisamikala, do you need your man to dress you?

Let's take a look at the whiny feminists out there. I'm not talking the ones who fight for Middle Eastern women's rights to education and want to end India's "women are such a burden" attitude, because you go.
I'm talking about the ones who get offended when you say "chairman of the board" because "that's sexist, it should be chairperson," or the ones who can't hear Disney stories without cringing.
Some of these people are the same ones who write about Annalisamikala being babied and completely dependent.

This lady-> @SNLangford (sorry if it doesn't tag) brought to my attention that these girls who fall down the stairs all the time and pass out on a regular basis will go and get shot or something and just stay in the hospital for like a day before BOOM you're Gucci.

There's no recovery or PT in this story. Which isn't super necessary, but if you're trying to be detailed, at least make your unrealistic random dramatic injury sound a little more believable.

Gracias por la tiempo, amigos.

Oh, I'm sorry I didn't mean to use the masculine form of "friends" because that's sexist. Gosh Spaniards, why so disclusive?

I met my deadline.

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