Sexy Beast

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I walked into my second day of school and the school's queen bee, Jessicalecia was like "Stop trying to steal my man, hoe."
Oh well he flirts with me anyway.
As I walked down the hallway I felt so violated as the guys stared at my butt. Like I was wearing my modest shorts... they even covered like half my buttcheeks. All the girls wearing like way less clothes than me were calling me a slut. They like are so jealous.
All the guys cat called me and I'm not a hoe at all. Only five of them asked for my number... Why do they all hate me so much???
I think I need to go to online school. I went into the bathroom and cried for three hours before a gang of girls came in and bullied me but then like twelve hot guys saved me but they might have been the avengers like idk.
But really I'm so ugly. Then the school's like number one hot guy took me home and we "Netflix and chill-ed" if ya know what I mean...(;
But seriously like I only flirt with like eight guys and Jessicalecia's boyfriend so when girls call me a hoe they're just so wrong about me. Anyway I gotta go pick out my crop top and short shorts for tomorrow, tata boo.

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