How I Write.

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You could probably skip this chapter. It's pretty much me spewing bs at you because I didn't know what to write and me complaining about my life.


Yeah I know I never update.

This is because I have no ideas.

Honestly though... I mean, it's a little nice because now when I do update (on those rare occasions) it's really a toss up.
I could update in a day, a week, or a year.

So honestly I didn't have any good ideas for another chapter, and I was about to make a chapter asking all of you for your help, before I realized,
Oh, Ali, you could make a chapter about how HELPLESS all the girls are in stupid stories.
And I decided to make a chapter.

*cough Really though if you have a good idea for a chapter dm me and I'll give you credit *cough

So here we find Annalisamikala making her dumb decisions and passing out all the time.

Per usual.

So she either cries to her ex, or

I had no idea you could put a picture in the middle of a chapter wow

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I had no idea you could put a picture in the middle of a chapter wow.

Anyway she complains about literally everything until someone fixes it for her.

I'm not being very creative with this so I'm going to wait until like 4 am because it's only 9:47.

Meanwhile let's talk about my life. I fundraised so hardcore I got to go to Africa and this is where those two photos are from. It was great.

Anyway, I came back home and got back into the "swing of things."

With two jobs I finally got a car, and now can actually get places, and will probably get another job.

But here's the catch. I'm 17 now, and turn 18 in February.
My parents are dropping me from the health insurance, and in case the 12 year olds here didn't know, without health insurance getting sick can be literally thousands and thousands of dollars.
But I'm not sure if I'll qualify for free health insurance because my parents will probably still list me as a dependent on their taxes.

So I'm stuck in a little conundrum because I don't think I'll be able to move out, but if I don't I might not have health insurance...

But I'm not totally positive on how this all works, this is just based on what I know. And what I know tells me I'm screwed.

Oh, America. Land of opportunity.

Anyway, I'll come back to this chapter later.

Surprise, surprise.

It is like two days later and I came back. And again, it's like nine something at night, not late enough for me to write something good.

Senioritis is really getting to me. I want to be done with school, but I have to graduate. It's like a weird place where I want to graduate, but I don't want high school. Basically I want high school without the commitment.
And I have to work like every day.
Plus I have to pay $82 for cheer warmups tomorrow that I don't have. Plus gas. Plus a ton for car insurance. And my cell bill.

Young people are told
"Live while you're young."
"Don't waste your youth."
"You're only young once."

But at the same time, we are told
"It doesn't matter how you look or how many friends you have. It just matters how you make a future for yourself."
"Work while you're young so you can get somewhere in life."

And then there's the best of them all, and it goes something along the lines of "Go get like five jobs and get straight A's. You suck. Make it to a good college. Work a ton so that you can pay for everything..... Why are you stressed? You have no reason to be."

Anyway, this is getting way more about me than about how not to write.

Wow, look how the time flies.

It's already like a month later!

I mean, at least I came back to this chapter. When I was on here last, I think this book had 50-something thousand reads and now 67k???


Anyway I'm probably going to start writing a boring book about my life which will probably not get read but that is alright with me.

Actually I'm making it right now it's going to be called "Jayus," which means "a joke told so poorly and unfunny you can't help but laugh" because that accurately represents my life.

So this chapter is now a tutorial of how I write my chapters because I didn't really delete much of anything I wrote, except some REALLY REALLY stupid stuff. Anyway,


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