Chapter 3: School

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  • Dedicated to Jojo LoveBear

Hey Mahomies if you see a mistakes please point it out.

★ Enjoy ★

Chapter 3: School

Ally's POV

We had a very long conversation about boys yesterday night, and I'm not allow to date anymore till I'm twenty years old. I don't blame him, my heart was broken let me take that back: it still broken,he's just watching out for me I love him for that.Drying off my black/brown hair.Slipping into a matching bra and underwear.Putting on my American Eagle Destroyed Jeggings with a white see through shirt.Paring them with simple white flats.

Straighting my hair. Which took thirty minutes to do.Spraying the Poppy Fragrance on.(from COACH).Grabbing my backpack.Skipping down the stairs like some little girl.

It's weird that are home is big for only two people. There's fours rooms ,three bathroom,and a pool.The back of the house is half way apart from the front but it still connect there only stairs to my room the rested of the rooms are down stairs.My brother owns his own bakery shop downtown his food is delicious.I would dead for.

On weekends he let me be the cashier.I work there for nine hours I would make 100 dollars in two days.It's a lot to me.

"Blue Berry Muffin"Justin said as I enter the kitchen placing my bag on the counter.

"Yeah"Jumping up and down.I love how Justin makes his blueberry muffins.

"What are you wearing"He asked me.

"A shirt and jeans what are you wearing"I responded back with a attitude.

"Not funny Ally,I can see your bra"

"So stop staring" Folding my arms to cover it.

"How can I,I'm going let my little sister go high school like that do you remember what we talked about last night" I could say no but I don't have for another lesson.

"Yea,you said not to date boys you said nothing about how I dress"and I was right.

"Ally one"he yelled

Running back up stairs changing my shirt putting a light denim, vest with a white shirt not see through-Ugh-.I hope he's not on three.Running back down stairs.

I posed for him "better" "now where are those muffins " I grabbing my backpack off the counter.

"here" he hand me a muffin.He went to this room.I heard glass break.I quickly run to his room taking my muffin with me. He broke his picture frame of him and dad.I back up act like I never went in there.Why was he so mad at least I wore a shirt.

"Get in the car" he demanded.


" can you walk me half way" I said looking at the window.I hate coming to school and plus I have no girlfriends i can talk to I'm all alone.I was still worry about my brother.

"Sure" He was still mad at me you can tell by the tone of his voice.

Getting out the car.Closing the door slowly he doesn't like when I shut it hard .Walking beside my brother.When we reached the office.

"I love you im sorry what happen this morning"I really mean-ed it.He's like my dad I'm lucky to have him here with me.I shouldn't be acting like this.

"I love you to little sis" a smile came upon my face and his.

I hugged him.

"don't cry he would come back"he kissed my check.

I tear slid down my face.Why would he brake the picture of him and dad of him there plenty other more.

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