Chapter 22: Never Gonna Leave You

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~Sorry for any mistakes~Enjoy~ 

Recap: "Can we go somewhere private to talk" I took her outside. 


"Okay what is it" 


This is dedicated to my werid best friend.


 Updated Date: 8\2\13<3

Chapter 22: Never Gonna Leave You

Ally's Pov

 I really didn't want to tell him. Do I really have to? It's not his business to know, right? No, I'm wrong it is his business. Geez why did Alex have to find me I could of gotten away with it?! but no Alex  had to see me in the store and talk to me. When he came up to me he began yelling at me for lying to Austin. I was confused at first but caught on to what he was talking about. Then he starts telling me how depressed Austin is. It just broke my heart into pieces. I wasn't lying, but then again I couldn't tell him because he was to busy shouting at me for no reason.

I know he was trying to be a good friend and all, but that doesn't give him a reason to yell at me in a pubic place where people are looking and hearing everything he's saying. Took him ten minutes to calm down. I told him everything, and just by looking into his eye he felt sorry for what he did. And for being the kind person I am I forgave him. I also told him not to tell anyone I was back. I honestly thought he could keep the secret, but no I had Robert come up to me and do the same thing

Really Alex? Even knowing the truth he was still pissed at me for not telling Austin I was here. I felt bad again. A part of me wants to tell him then the other sides doesn't want him to know. I then found Alex, Robert, Tyler and Zach messing with me. How do they even find me I don't know? Sometimes they would throw rocks at my window at night they called it 'a warning'.  I finally gave in when Alex told me Austin wasn't his self. I couldn't do it anymore. Alex made up a planned to surprise him at prom which I totally forgot till he mentions it. 

Good thing I still have my prom dress. Every now and then I would change my mind. Don't' get me wrong I want to see Austin it's just. I still think I'm not good enough for him. He deserves someone better then me.


Anyway, I went through there plan. I was more shock then Austin when I found out I was prom queen. I think the better question is who the fuck nominated for me!  Having second thoughts I knew Alex and his friend were up to something. I could smell it.(not really) While Austin and I were having are moment on the dance-floor. My brain was telling me to tell him. I terrified what if HE had second thoughts about me?!

All of that was running through my little mind. When they changed the song to another pop song I knew this was my time to tell him everything. He took me outside all the way to the football field. He held my hand close to his chest. Ok Ally you can do this. 

"What did you have to tell in in private", he says. That just made me more nervous. I got this.

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