What prison has done

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Moonhae strolls over to stand next to Hoseok with a smirk, following his gaze to the exit of the studio.

"Why don't you just ask her out?", she scoffs, making him choke on thin air.

"What?", he widens his eyes at her.

"Oh come on", she laughs, "You've been watching a photographer for the past two hours. You wouldn't do that if you didn't want something from her."

"I thought the photoshoot was quite entertaining thank you very much", he insists defensively.

"And that's why you're missing work just to be here?", she raises her eyebrows.

"I don't- No- I was just taking a break", he scrambles for words.

"Well, I don't think she's a good choice. You'd probably have more luck flirting with a brick wall", Moonhae shrugs as she walks ahead to get to the dressing room.

With a big day ahead of her tomorrow, Moonhae returns to her apartment after the shoot. Wanting to avoid Taehyung at the moment, she decides not to sleep at his place for the night like she usually does.

Getting to her place however, she finds the lights turned on already though. As she walks towards the kitchen, she can't help sighing at the voice that calls out to her.

"Moonhae?", Taehyung's deep voice is always unmistakable.

Walking through the doorway, she finds him leaning against the marble countertop, his phone in his hand.

"Tae, can we not?", she says, already anticipating his next words.

"But I really think you shouldn't", he repeats for the hundredth time in these past weeks.

"I'm tired. Please, I don't want to hear it", she groans, rubbing her temples.

"Just let me say one thing", he pleads.

Dropping onto one of the dining table chairs, she stares up at him expectantly.

"You've been in therapy for just over three months. I really don't think you should go see Jaewon already", he gets to the point.

"But I feel like I'm getting places. I just need to close that chapter. I have to see Jaewon to finally get some closure", she argues solemnly.

"But will you be able to handle it? What if he doesn't react the way you hope? What if he says such horrible things you'll spiral again?", Taehyung can't stop worrying about all the horrible outcomes this prison visit could have.

"I don't know, Tae", she sighs, "I do know that I need to do this though. I need to do it now. Ever since I've been working through things in therapy, I keep thinking of all these things I wish I had said to him. I think about it all the time and I don't want to. I want to get rid of those thoughts. The only way to do that is to finally speak with him."

The fluffy haired boy starts chewing on his bottom lip in nervousness. He knows how important this is to her, but he's completely terrified of the outcome at the same time. Seeing her hurt one too many times, it's not something he wants to witness again. But he has to remind himself that it's not up to him. What Moonhae values most is her independence and her right to choose and he won't ever stand between that again.

"Alright", he breathes out, "Can I come with you?"

"I need to do this alone", she responds glumly.

"I won't go in with you. I just want to be there. Outside. Just in case you need anything", he speaks calmly.

Hearing him say that lifts a certain weight off her chest. Although she's determined to go through with this, doesn't mean she's not scared shitless. Knowing Taehyung will be there, waiting on the other side, puts her at ease.

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