Corbyn Besson Imagine • Space • Part 3 • Finale

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I had spent hours talking with my kids. When they had all gone to bed was when I got the call. The call that changed my life forever...

•Present Time •

•Corbyn's POV•

I had finally woken up. I knew that Y/n had gone home to our kids. I mean she had stayed with me for awhile. When she kissed me before she left, she kissed me like she was never gonna see me again. And it broke my heart. I heard every word that everybody in this would say.

My Y/n had stayed with me day and night. The only to,e she left when she was with me was to get food for herself and to use the bathroom. But when she wasn't doing those things I could feel her warm body next to mine. I could feel her place her head in the crook of my neck. I could feel her wrap her arm around my torso. And I could feel her when she played with my hair or held my hand. I even heard her when she spoke. Every time she gave me a speech she always had news. 

She had told me about our kids. She had told about the boys and their families. She had told me that Brooklyn and Macie gave birth their babies. She had told me when Chance, James, Daniel, Jonah, Jack, and Zach left the hospital. 

And she also told me stay strong and fight for us. She told me to fight for my life. 

When she would sob softly at night all I wanted to do was comfort her. I wanted to tell her that everything was going to be alright. That I was going to be with her every step of the way. I wanted to hold her close to my body and I wanted to run my fingers through her soft hair. 

I also wanted to kiss her again. 

I finally had the courage to try and say a word. 

I watched as a nurse walked into the hospital room I was in. 

"Where's Y/n," I asked. I startled the nurse. I could tell as he jumped backwards.

"Are you speaking of Y/n Besson, Mr. Besson," the nurse asked me.

"Yes," I said.

"Let me do this real quick and then I'll go call her," he said. "Your wife went home. You two have created six beautiful human beings. And I'm sure that your seventh child will be even more beautiful."

When the nurse left I felt alone, knowing that this is how Y/n felt when I wouldn't wake up.

•Y/n's POV•

The nurse on the phone had told me that Corbyn was alive. I dropped my phone and then I rushed into Christine's room and told her to get John and Julie in the car as I rushed into Chance's room and woke him up. Then I woke up Like and Lisa and told them to get in the car.

This was the best news in the world for me. 

Christine was driving and I was sitting in the passenger seat. I told her to go to the hospital and she did without question.

When she parked the car and turned it off I instantly got out of the car and rushed inside, leaving my children behind. I felt bad, but the love of my life was alive and I had to see him. I was acting as if I was in my twenties and I wasn't pregnant. 

I ran into his hospital room but he wasn't in the bed. I was sad. I didn't know where he went. I wanted to know where he went though.

I collapsed on the floor and broke into tears.

"Babygirl," I heard a voice say. "Don't cry. I'm right here."

I looked up and saw him standing there. His eyes glistening in the dim lighting of the hospital room. It was dark outside. 

Corbyn wrapped his arms around me and pulled into a tight hug. I buried my head into his chest and cried. He hugged me and stroked my hair. I could hear quiet sobs coming from him too. 

He pulled away from the hug and held my waist looking into my eyes. 

"I'm sorry babygirl," he said wiping the tears off of my face. "I'm so sorry. But I'm home now."

"I know you are Bean," I said. "I know you are."

He pulled my body closer to his until our foreheads were touching. I was about to speak but he kissed me before a single sound escaped from me. And I kissed right back.

The kiss was long, passionate, and rough. But it was also soft and meaningful. My hands were on his neck and in his hair. His hands were on my back and on the back of my head. 

"You don't know how long I've been waiting for that," I said when we pulled away.

"Well you don't know how long I've been waiting to do that," Corbyn said. 

His cheesy grin made me smile and laugh a little.

"What's so funny," he asked looking at me.

"I've missed that grin so much," I said. "It's been a little over a month and a half since I last saw that cheesy grin."

Just then our six children walked into the room and hugged Corbyn and I. All eight of us fell to the ground. In joy. Happiness. Love. We all had tears in our eyes. 

And then my water broke. It broke and I was rushed into labor.

•A Few Hours Later•

I had given birth to a healthy baby girl. Though she was born really early. The doctors said that it was miracle that my new baby was alive for being born months early. And like any mother I was concerned. We named her Bianca like I already planned on doing. And now we have another little bean running loose in our house. 

Life couldn't be better for me.

My husband was home. My eldest was in college. My second eldest was in his last year of high school. My first set of twins were in their last year of elementary school. My second set of twins were preschool. My last child was at home and she was healthy. 

The band is doing well. And the families are doing even better.

And for as long as possible, I'm going to love my bean. Nobody and nothing is going to take him away from me again. 

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