Zach Herron Imagine • Not Good Enough

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Was I not good enough him? Did he not love me? These questions and so many more were rushing through my head when I saw his phone. He had left his phone home. He was at the studio recording and wouldn't be home till late. 

He was complaining  about  me to his best friends. To my brother. He was saying a unchanged if things that weren't true. What did my brother think? Did he actually believe the things that my boyfriend was saying to him and their best friends?

Just then my boyfriend entered our house, looking for his phone. I didn't care. I continued to sit with his phone in my hand and read through the messages he had had with my brother and their best friends. 

"Babe," he called through the house. "Have you seen my phone?"

Then he entered the living room and saw me reading through the text messages.

"What are you doing," he asked.

"No. What are you doing , Zach," I asked. "What have I done that's made you complain to my brother and your best friends about me? What does my brother think? What does Corbyn think? What do the other boys think?"

"Baby, I'm sorry," he said.

"Sorry won't cut it. I've been nothing but loving, kind, encouraging. And this is how you repay me? By telling my brother and the others lies?"

"I know you have baby. I'm really sorry."

"Zach I can't do this anymore. I've known about this for over a year. A YEAR ZACH! A YEAR! This has been going on  form more than a year. I've got eyes for you and only you."

I ran upstairs and locked myself in the closest bathroom. I grabbed a bottle pills that I saw and took them. I didn't care about anything at this point. Zach and are 27. We got married last year. And it obviously didn't mean anything to him. The love of my betrayed me. I quickly made my way to our bedroom and wrote a note to Corbyn, my brother, on a pice of paper.

Then I lied on the flor and shut my eyes.

•Corbyn's POV•

Zach had rushed home in a hurry to find his phone. After a little bit Zach called us and told us to come over. When he did I searched the entire house for my younger sister. When I found her I bawled my eyes out and just held her head in my lap. 

"This your fault," I snapped at Zach when the boys came upstairs. "You promised me you would take care of her and love her. And now Y/n is dead. All because you couldn't keep a ducking promise. My sister is dead. And that's all your fault Zach. I can never forgive you this."

Daniel handed me a note for Zach and I to read. I held out for the both of us to read.

Corbyn and Zach,

I'm sorry. But I couldn't take Zach's bullshit. Every time he told you about something horrible I did I found out. It's been going on for more than a year. And yet, Zach still married. Whatever Zach told you, I promise it isn't true. I know I shouldn't have taken those pills, but I did. I still love Zach, but I could t take his bullshit. And Corbyn, I will always love you. You did nothing wrong. I'm you were my brother. Let the boys know I still love them too.

Love Y/n XOXO

That was it. My sister was gone. And I didn't get to say good bye. I knew from this moment on I could never look Zach in the eye again.

•Zach's POV•

I know what I did was messed up. I know I screwed up. I know I ruined Corbyn's life for good. And it's all because I made Y/n feel like she wasn't good enough.

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