Jonah Marais Imagine • Toxic

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The anger boiled inside of me. I couldn't get a break from this relationship. This relationship was supposed to be fake. And then for abut a week we actually loved each other. And then we ended up dating for five and a half years. And then neither of us had the guts to break up with each other. So our relationship was just toxic. 

"God fucking damn it, Jonah," I yelled for the fifth time today. "All we ever do is yell. You say you love me and then you say random shit that isn't true. While you were on tour you slept with three different girls. And I slept by myself."

"That's not true at all. And I do love you, Y/n," he said, obvious lying.

"I can't say those words back. I can say that I loved you. But I don't love you know," I said. I could feel the tears coming.

I didn't want this relationship to end, but it had to. We obviously couldn't stand each other. Even Jack, Corbyn, Zach, and Daniel knew how bad this relationship was.

"Don't you dare say what you're about to say," Jonah says. I could he was trying not to cry.

"Jonah this relationship is just to toxic," I say. "We both know it."

I was sobbing at this point.

"Please, don't say it," Jonah said through tears.

"We both know that this would happen. We both know that we would get hurt during this relationship," I was doing my best to the words that needed to come out, to come out once and for all. "And yet we kept it going. Jonah, I'm sorry to say... But we need to break up. Before one of us gets physically hurt... Or worse..."

"I can't believe you," Jonah yelled. "After everything we've be-"

"We've been through fucking hell, Jonah," I said cutting him off.

I grabbed my bags that I already had packed and headed out of the apartment we both shared. I left apology letters at our neighbors doors, apologizing for Jonah and I. And saying that they wouldn't hear us anymore.

I moved in with Daniel, my best friend, and his brother, Tyler.

•10 Years Later•

I finally have an un-toxic relationship. 

A year after I moved in with Daniel, Zach and I started dating for about two and half years. And then he proposed. I said yes, and six months later we got married. 

A year after we got married, we had a son and named him, Matthew, after Corbyn's middle name. And then four years after Matthew was born, we had twins and named them, Robert and Riley, Robert coming from Jack's middle name. And now I'm pregnant again, with another boy, who we're going to name, James, after Daniel's middle name. 

Zach and I have happily been married for six years. Matthew is turning seven soon. Robert and Riley aren't even a year old yet. James won't be born for another four months. Corbyn, Jack, and Daniel are with Zach and I every step of the way. And I haven't seen Jonah since our break up.

My life is good.


So this was supposed to be a Jonah imagine, but as you can see we got a little carried away. So yeah. Hope you enjoyed (:

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