Zach Herron Imagine • Baby, We're Having A Baby

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Zach and I have been dating for almost seven years. We'll be twenty four soon. Or he will at least. We moved into together about a year ago. Zach proposed to me two weeks ago, and let me tell you, shit went down after he proposed.

But I haven't had my period in two weeks. Normally I always make sure that I don't have sex while I'm on my period. Last week I was supposed to start my period. 

Zach was at the studio. I rushed to the nearest far act and bought a pregnancy test. 

I got home and took it.

It said positive.

Shit. What am I gonna tell Zach?

I heard the front door open.


"Princess," I hear him yell.

I hear him as he gets closer to our bedroom. He opens the door and finds me sitting in the ground as if I was shot or something.

"Baby, we're having a baby," I blurted out without thinking. 

"The fuck," he yelled. "We agreed not to have a baby until after we were married!"

"I know," I said.

"Come on we're going to the doctors so you can get an abortion," he said grabbing my wrist.

"I'm two weeks pregnant. I'm not getting an abortion." 

"Then you're moving out."

I packed my things and left. I went to my my older sister, Ashley Besson's, place. 

She always wanted to be an aunt. Her wish was gonna come true. Jordan was gonna be happy that he was gonna be uncle. Corbyn was gonna pissed. Especially after I tell him how Zach reacted. And my parents are going to be overjoyed to be grandparents.


Sorry this imagine was so shitty. I'm running out of ideas. And the warm summer weather is making me lazier than normal. Now all I wanna do is sleep. But I'm not going to do that. I think. Oh well. Time to go type another imagine. Hopefully it's not shitty.


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