Jonah Marais • Bitch

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"The fuck is wrong with you Jonah," I snapped. 

Jonah and have been dating for a little over a year. 

"What do you mean," Jonah asked me.

"You fucked another fucking girl," I snapped again.

The boys were looking at us, confused on the situation.

"No I wasn't," he lied.

"Yes you were! I walked into your room his morning! There was a naked girl in your bed. I'm not dumb," I yelled.

I walked away.

"Bitch," he mumbled.

I whipped my head around.

"Excuse me?"

"You heard me," he said.

"I'm not the bitch here Jonah," I said, anger raising even more in my voice.

"Obviously you are. You're accusing me of cheating," Jonah said again.

"I wasn't the kne cheating I was hanging out with my brother," I snapped. "Why would I cheat on you with Jack, my brother?"

Jonah was silent.

"Who was home last night," I asked Daniel, Zach, and Corbyn.

Zach raised his hand. And then Daniel raised his hand.

"Where were you Corbyn," I asked him.

"I was having dinner with my siblings and parents," he replied.

I turned to Jonah again. 

"Would you like to confess something before two of your best friends do it for you," I asked him. 

Jonah was still silent.

"Daniel what happened," I asked him.

"I was in my room playing my guitar and j heard moaning coming Jonah's room," Daniel said. "I seriously thought that it was you moaning."

"Zach," I asked.

"I was playing video games in the living room cause my gaming system in my room isn't working and I saw Jonah walk in with a girl that isn't you," Zach said. "The girl went upstairs and I confronted Jonah, but he just shoved last me."

Jack and Corbyn were at my sides, holding me back from charging at Jonah.

"Liars," Jonah said.

"They're not liars," I said. "Look me in my eyes and tell me that you didn't cheat on me."

He didn't  look me in my eyes. Instead he stood there and looked at the ground ashamed.

"Bitch," I say. "You're the bitch Jonah, not me."

I walked out of the boys house, Jack and Corbyn following me.

Jack, my brother that's a year older than me, and Corbyn, my best friend for as long as I can remember, followed me in their cars to my house.

The moment I stepped foot in my house I broke into tears. I loved Jonah with all my heart, but he didn't feel the same way.

 Jack and Corbyn helped me to the couch. 

"He's an asswhole," Corbyn said.

"He doesn't know who the fuck he's gonna have to deal with," Jack said.

"He's a fucking bitch. I dot wanna see him again until I have a new boyfriend," I said.

"Let's change that then," Corbyn said as he kissed me with Jack in the room.

I pulled away.

"Can we keep this between the three of us? Just so people don't think that I'm some type of hoe or slut," I asked.

"Yeah," Jack said.

"Of course baby," Corbyn said.

"You're okay with this," I asked Jack.

"Yeah. Corbyn told me that he liked you and he would treat you better than Jonah. I trust him," Jack said.

It's been almost seven years since Corbyn and I got together. Since Jonah cheated on me.

Corbyn and I are happily married and we're expecting our first two kids. We're expecting twins. A boy and a girl. 

Jonah and I aren't friends yet. I still talk to him, but I don't feel comfortable being around him alone. 

Zach finally has a girlfriend. So does Daniel. And Jack is happy too.

When mine and Corbyn's twins are born, we plan on naming the boy, Daniel Robert-Dean Besson, in honor of my brother and the boys who didn't lie to my face that night. And for the girl, Isla Ashley Besson, in honor of Ashley Besson and Isla Stanford. 

My life is going great. I wouldn't be here if wasn't for that son of a bitch, Jonah.

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