Jack Avery Imagine • Perfect

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Not many people know it, but I have a kidney infection. Well actually, everybody knows that. My parents did nothing to get rid of the infection. And the only people that ever excepted me even though I had a kidney infection, was Jack and his band mates, Corbyn, Zach, Daniel, and Jonah. Jack and and I have been friends since the day he found out I had a kidney infection.

Over the years I started to develop a crush a on Jack. But I still haven't told him how I felt. I know my time is coming to an end. The last time the boys took the doctors, the doctor said that there was nothing he could do to heal me. So in the past few days, the boys and I have been a lot of fun things. 

I've tried so many times to tell Jack how much he means to me, and how much I love him. But the words won't come out. I always end up giving him compliments. Which bugs the hell out of me. 

But I decided to write a song called '8 Letters'. 

I was laying in bed at 3 in the morning. My heartbeat was slowing down. I closed my eyes. 

~ • ~ •

I woke up a little late. I didn't smell a home cooked meal for breakfast. And I didn't here the boys being their usual loud selves. I got up and saw Y/n's bedroom door wide open. I could hear quiet sobs coming from her room. 

I slowly walked into her room. The guys were surrounding her. Zach saw me and handed me a piece of paper. I read it.


You'll always have a special place in my heart. I'll always love you. I've always loved you, actually. I've loved more than a friend. I don't how to say I'm sorry for letting go. I'm sorry for not fighting for us. I never deserved you. 

And I also don't know why I would think that a perfect boy like you would love me more than a friend. But I did. 

On the back of this note there's a piece of paper. It has guitar and piano lyrics for a song that I've been writing to express my feelings for you. I hope you like it.

Love, Y/n xoxo

I looked at the song and cried even more than I was. 

•6 Weeks Later•

The boys and I created a new album. We named the album after the song that Y/n wrote for me. 

We were on tour now. We had made it to the very first venue for our first concert for the new album's tour. And I was planning on making a dedication.

After we introduced ourselves I went very close to the edge of the stage.

"Before we begin this concert there is a dedication I'd like to make real quick," I said. "As you all know, my best friend, Y/n, had a kidney infection. The doctors said that they couldn't help her. So she ended up passing away six weeks ago. She left me a song expressing how much she loved me. The song is called, 8 Letters. That's also the name of of this tour and our most recent album. This tour is dedicated to Y/n. I love you so much Y/n. You were perfect in every way."

And then we started the tour.

━━ 𝗪𝗗𝗪 𝗜𝗠𝗔𝗚𝗜𝗡𝗘𝗦Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora