Corbyn Besson - Can't Help Falling In Love - Elvis Presley

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You and Corbyn had never even heard of each other before you went to the party. 

You were both pretty famous. Corbyn was famous for being in a band. And you were famous for being the sister of Shawn Mendes, and for being the photographer at the red carpet, or any fancy event really. 

You never really liked parties. Especially not parties with famous people cause you knew you could never compare to them. But every time all of your brother's friends said that you were good enough and that they loved you. And since it was Shawn's birthday, you decided to go a party.

Wise men say, only fools rush in...

That party was the first night you and Corbyn had ever layed eyes on each other. You had just broken up with your boyfriend, Tom Holland (no offense to Tom or anything, he's a great person). And Corbyn had just broken up with his girlfriend, Christina Marie Harris (no hate on Corbina, they're an amazing and strong couple). 

Christina and Tom had moved on really fast. And you and Corbyn were taking your time to get over the relationships that you both had gotten out of. Both relationships had gone for more than four years. And Christina and Tom had just gotten over it easily. But when you and Corbyn saw each other, you instantly headed back to your place. You had your own apartment, and you didn't sure it with your brother. And Corbyn lived with his bandmates. You busy had hardly even said a word to each other, except for who's place to go to. That was it. Those were the only words spoken. 

Before you guys knew it, you were in your apartment, having sex. (I'm cringing so hard right now)

Should I stay? Would it be a sin...

After you and Corbyn were done having sex (I'm still cringing so hard) you both lied in your bed. Surprised at the moment that had just happened. You both total strangers to each other, and that had just happened.

Corbyn got out of your bed and got dressed. 

"I should probably go," he said as he headed for you door. "It's almost three in the morning."

You quickly got up and changed into some clothes before you chased after Corbyn. 

"You can stay," you say quickly. "It's late and I don't want you to get hurt. Even if you're a total stranger."

"You're Tom's ex girl. Aren't you," he asked. "Now I really shouldn't be here. He called you a bitch that only uses guys for sex."

"What," you asked shocked. "That little son of a bitch is gonna find out how it feels to have his ex girl's fist and his face meet. I'm Y/n. And don't listen to Tom.  I broke up with him. Because of his little lies about me."

"But Tom is one of my best friends," Corbyn said. "It would be wrong for me to be here..."

"And for you to get involved with me," you said. "Go make music or what ever. I've got photos to process anyways." 

Darling, so it goes. Somethings are meant to be...

But you guys couldn't stay away from each other. You guys loved each other to much. You guys felt like you were meant to be together for ever. 

Eventually you guys started dating and announced it to the world.

Take my hand. Take my whole life too...

You and Corbyn have been dating for six years now. All because you guys had sex (cringing and dying, help me plz) without even knowing each other. 

Today was special.

"Y/n Y/l/n," Corbyn said. "For the past six years you've taken up of my time, even if I'm not with you. I want you... No I need you. You've taken up most of my life so far. You've taken my hand whenever I've needed you too, even when I don't want you too. Would you do me honors and take my hand in marriage? Along with the rest of my life?"

Instead of answering with words, you answered him by kissing him passionately on the stage in front of millions of his fans. 

For I Can't Help Falling In Love With You...

"I can't help but fall in love with every time I lay eyes on you," Corbyn said. 

"I feel the same way babe," you said. 

You were rubbing your very pregnant belly, while Corbyn was playing with your hair. 

"I'm so lucky that your my wife and that pretty soon we're gonna have a baby," Corbyn said.

"I'm lucky too," you said, as sleep took over.

Corbyn looked at you.

"I love you so fucking much Y/n," he whispered. "You don't know how much I love you."

And with that he drifted off to sleep.

━━ 𝗪𝗗𝗪 𝗜𝗠𝗔𝗚𝗜𝗡𝗘𝗦حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن