Chapter 35- I Did It.

Start from the beginning

"Bull-" he started to say before I walked further into the hall to see him and Jameson, "Shit." he stated, eyes widening as best as they could in their swollen state.

I looked to the other side to Jameson, "Layla." he said, just as Chester did.

I noticed how their eyes met with mine with such surprise and guilt. But, I couldn't be bothered with it. They couldn't be guilty, they didn't get to be, they had six years to be. I turned my head back to Steven who's eyes glanced to my neck.

My mark, my hair was in a pony tail so it was quite noticeable. But, it only made me feel protected.

"So, Landon marked you huh?" he asked.

My mouth ran dry, "Y-yeah." I whispered out staring at him as all of the bad things he's done to me came clashing into me.

The time he kicked me in the nose, when he contributed to my beating. When he'd belittle me because, he was stronger. The time he pulled my hair when he said I was nothing but, a runt. I looked at Jameson now remembering everything he did. From kicking and slapping me to also contributing to the beating.

My heart felt heavy and I wanted to scream at them, "Why?" I let the word slip from my mouth, staring between the both of them, tears already free falling.

Neither of them said anything, Jameson even looked down, "No, you guys don't get to be quite now, so tell me why, why did you guys do it?" I asked looking back and forth between the two of them.

"Because, you were an easy target." Steven blurted out.

"Not good enough." I said shakily, new hot tears poured down my cheeks, while he stared at me as if it was the first time, "And you?" I turned my head to Jameson.

"I don't know." he spoke slowly, dread in his every word.

I shook my head, no, that's not good enough either. Landon told me I didn't deserve what happened to me. When it was happening I thought I did, now standing here. Listening to their reasonings about doing what they did. And listening to what Landon's told me.

I didn't deserve it, I deserved to live a normal teenage life. Not get beat for simply being who I am. So the longer I stay in the past about everything they did. I'm just hurting myself, my self worth and everything that's to come for me in the future. I needed to let them go and be free.

"I-i forgive you." I muttered under my breath staring at the chipped wall in front of me before looking at Steven, "I forgive you Steven." his eyes widen in shock, his jaw dropping open.

I turned to look at Jameson now, "And I forgive you, Jameson." he looked up at me, just as in shock as Steven.

When I went to walk away Steven said something that just made me break, "Just because, you forgive us doesn't mean we think any highly of you."

"Dude." Jameson spit out.

I stopped in my tracks turning to the guard who was next to Steven's cell, "Open the cell."

"Luna, I don't think-"

"Please." I muttered, being to deep in thought to realize what he had called me.

When he did open it I marched straight in there slapping Steven as hard as I could across the face.
The sound echoed throughout the room, his head flying to the right.

"It wasn't for you guys, it was for me." I stated, he flexed his jaw turning to look at me, surprise very evident on his face before I backed out of the cells.

I couldn't believe I did that, "Layla." Chester's voice said again, once I was in his view.

He never hurt me unless his wolf was out but, he still didn't help me when the others would be hurting me. I never understood it. Although he did mock me, Chester was just a follower.

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