"I ruined the best thing in my life.. If only I could wait for him! I was so goddamn desperate that I-"

"Stop." Taehyung cut Jimin off mid sentence. He looked straight into jimin's eyes watching them tear up with the same hurt he was feeling right now. No words were needed to convey Jimin regret.

Jimin couldn't take it anymore. He slammed his chopsticks on the table, getting up and walking out of the dinning room. Taehyung immediately followed him ignoring the calls of the three adults. He followed Jimin out into the backyard of his house. Jimin had completely lost it. He kicked the chair and the table that was kept in the backyard, then picked the chair and threw it back to the ground, cursing loudly. His hand ran through his hair as tears escaped his eyes. He grabbed a flower pot off the ground and threw it, kicking another flower pot after.

"Jimin enough." Taehyung sniffled, wiping his tears and attempting to stop Jimin. But Jimin kept breaking everything that caught his sight.

"I said enough Jimin! Stop it!" Taehyung grabbed jimin's arm with both his hands and pulled him.

Jimin jerked away from him and took a few steps back.

"Why!?" He screamed. "Why are you being nice to me?! Why?!"

Taehyung cried along with Jimin. He didn't know what to say so he just shook his head and stepped towards him. Jimin's faces was red as he cried looking at Taehyung, remembering how much he hurt this precious boy.

"I broke your heart! I made jinyoung hate you! I ruined your friendship with jaebum! I ruined your relationship with your mother.. how can you be nice to me? How can you be kind? Huh taehyung?!" Jimin yelled crying harder. "How can you forgive me for hurting you so much?!"

"Who said that I forgave you?" Taehyung aggressively wiped his tears away, only to have a new set of them collect in his eyes.

"I agreed to come here because of your mother. I'm not like you Jimin, I can't see people hurting because of me." Taehyung spat but felt himself crumbling inside. "And even right now, no matter what you've done, I can't see you hurting because... because.. there was a time when I loved you a lot Jimin."

Jimin sobbed, pulling his hair. He fell to his knees and cried out apologises. His chest felt so heavy with pain that he wanted to scream aloud, claw the pain out of his chest even. Jimin's throat was sore with the amount of guilt he was trying to swallow but couldn't manage to get even an ounce inside. He hated himself for making such a huge mistake. Taehyung loved him once so dearly that he drew him all the time. His birthday two years ago could have been a beautiful memory if only he hadn't forced himself on his Tae. He didn't think things through. His mind fogged with lust that he mistook for love. Taehyung could have been laughing and giggling that day but instead he was screaming and pleading in fear. There could have been bruises of love on his neck but instead there were bruises of restraints on his arms. Jimin ruined everything. Everything!

"I'm so sorry! I'm so sorry taehyung, I'm so fucking sorry!" Jimin's body shook with each sob he let out.

Taehyung walked closer to his former lover and kneeled in front of him. He gently took jimin's hands in his prying them out of his hair so that he would stop hurting himself by pulling at his roots. Jimin looked at Taehyung, still sobbing.

"I know you regret it.. But you have to let go." Taehyung whispered softly. "I don't know if I forgive you yet or no. But, Jimin, I don't hate you. I could never."

Taehyung brought his hand up to wipe jimin's tears. He caressed jimin's cheek. Jimin closed his eyes and leaned into Taehyung's touch, the warmth that his palm provided was bliss.

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