Book 2: Chapter 14

Start from the beginning

"Fuck me," she groaned dropping her body on her bed completely.

"Finney bear we can't, Mother Zabini says we're too young," Blaise laughed as he threw her a pillow.

"I want to drown that man into a toilet."

"Believe me I do too."

The door opens and it revealed Theo who was holding a button down shirt. "This was all I could find," he said as he tossed the white shirt towards Finley who was too grateful to say anything else. She ran into her bathroom and fixed her outfit, now using the button down shirt as a blouse cardigan. She tied the ends to make it look fit and short, rolling up the sleeves to show her elbows. She felt much better.

"New scrolls jut arrived, you better hurry up!" She heard her friend call out. Giving herself a final check on the mirror she was satisfied with her look, she walked out.

"Feel better?" Theo asked.

"Very," she said as she got the basket of letters and scrolls.

"One more thing! I saw that these are for you," Theo said as he took out a laurel crown shaped babies breath flowers. They were in the shade of white creating a halo on her head and it completed her get up.

"Now you're a real cupid," Blaise whistles.

"Stop your whistling," she rolled her eyes as she grabbed both her friends.

"You boys are going to accompany me," she winked.

"Do we have to?"

"I think I have a date—"

"Date my ass you dumped Tracey when she said she hated tarts," Finley snapped at Blaise who was grinning from ear to ear.

"Oh yeah!"

"Are you talking about Tracey Carson?" Theo bursted out laughing as the three Slytherins were out for Valentines delivery.

"Roses are red,
Violets are blue,
In Ravenclaw dorms the bed is big enough for two."

Finley didn't know if she was going to laugh or feel sorry for the Sixth year Hufflepuff who was red in the face in the great hall where she and her friends were having snacks on break. "Please don't tell me who it's from," she begged mortified.

"Lucky for you it says anonymous," Finley gave out an embarrassed laugh before retreating to another table, and this one was for George Weasley.

"Hullo Georgie! Happy Valentines day," she greeted giving him a chocolate frog from the delivery.

"Hello there Finney faery, you look... festive?"

"I will hex Lockhart when he finally quits," she said sweetly as she knew that Lockhart was watching her like a hawk.

"Do you want to hear the message with that?" She asked as she grabbed the card that was addressed to him.

"Alright then."

She opened the envelope and she almost lost it, her eyes welled with unshed tears as she shook in laughter. "Well come on," George asked now with Lee and Angelina intrigued.

"Love is like a fart,
If you have to force it out,
It's probably shit."

George bursted out laughing, Finley was a giggling mess. Angelina and Lee were wheezing of laughter, they knew if was from because it didn't take a genius to know who it was.

"Enjoy my message now brother?" Fred yelled from the other side of the Gryffindor table.

"Yeah I do Freddie!"

Her job on the Gryffindor table was done, letting out some giggles she went towards the Slytherin table and saw Draco who was being harassed by Pansy, trying to feed him cherries because it was red.

"Drakie, do you want to so a cherry knot with me?"

She cringed, the idea of if was disgusting really, she felt sorry for Draco. She slammed the basket on the table in front of Crabbe and Goyle who were eating. "Hullo Malfoy, Parkinson."

"Evans," Draco nodded at her.

"I have a delivery for you," she placed down sugar quills on the table that was labelled for Draco and with it came a card.

"Roses are red
Violets are blue— Fuck it, I'm sick of this," Finley groaned as she placed the card on the candle labra and sets it on fire. Pansy shrieked as she saw Finley set the card ablaze.

"THAT WAS MY CARD FOR MY DRAKIE!" Pansy screamed at her.

She pretended to be shocked, placing her right hand to cover her mouth in a mocked shock face. "I'm sorry I didn't know," she said in a slow mocking voice.

"Oh well, now we'll never know if the spell worked," Finley said as she winked at Draco who was now almost close to eating the sugar quill.

Leaving the infuriated pug face alone she went to deliver more notes and poems and the most sexual one by far on her opinion must be with one of the Slytherin seventh years. The poem itself was too graphic for her to say out loud that she had to give the note to the seventh year.

She was a blushing mess as the male Slytherin seventh year smirked at her and winked across the room towards a Hufflepuff seventh year who was biting her lip towards him. Blinking with disbelief she gently great hall without the seventh year noticing and rushed away from him.

She exits the great hall, thankfully she finished all her deliveries for valentines by lunch, she was still granted pardon for practicing Quidditch from Snape. Except for one and she was ready to strip off the pink dress and put on her uniform or her cargo pants and Slytherin sweater.

But that was cut short when she bumped into a familiar Hufflepuff prefect.

"You look mortified," Cedric commented.

"I am, you have no idea," she said with her cheeks growing red with embarrassment.

"Happy Valentines day by the way."

She nodded at the Hufflepuff, "Say I just remembered that I have a delivery for you," Cedric said as he pulled out a bouquet of Gardenias and Carnations. She gasped at how beautiful they were, the carnations were the colour of pale pink while the gardenias were white. Heck she was amazed at how they looked beautiful together.

"Happy Valentines day Finley," Cedric said with a wide smile on his face.

"Oh Ced!" She almost cried, she never expected anyone to give her anything.

"The Hogwarts Faery deserves it," he said as he handed her the flowers.

She chatted with Cedric on the way to her final delivery and the person was in Gryffindor tower so she had to wait for someone to come out the fat lady's portrait. But before she even reached the portrait or even the Gryffindor tower steps, there stood Harry and Ron with an Elf reading a sweet poem about Harry. She glanced towards the far corner of the steps and saw Ginny peeking to see Harry's reaction.

But if course she wasn't the only one who noticed the young Weasley girl in the corner, but of all people it had to be Draco Malfoy.

"Potter doesn't seem to like your little love poem Weasley!"

Harry set his attention towards the mortified Ginny who now ran away from anyone's gaze due to the embarrassment.

"Are you sad that I burned your girlfriend's card for you Malfoy? Do you really need to embarrass the poor girl like that?" She glared at Draco who now just realised that Finley was there.

She excused herself from Cedric who looked at Draco with disappointment, giving her flowers to Cedric she shoved the basket of the last love scroll to Draco. "If you're so romantic, why don't you read that last note to Harry now yeah?" She sarcastically said as she stormed towards the direction the young red headed girl went, Cedric followed behind her.

"Shut up!" Draco said as she shoved the basket to a laughing Goyle as he stormed off to the common room.

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