Book 2: Chapter 5

Start from the beginning

Draco Malfoy felt the crucios before, and they were when she heard him call the muggle born Hermione Mudblood and hell he was when she hexed him every time she heard that word.

"I told you once last year to never call her that!" She yelled at Malfoy. She was stopped when she felt a hand on her shoulder and it was Flint of course, a surge of annoyance bubbled in her. This wouldn't have happened if she didn't accept that pardon.

"Like I said Evans, save it for the pitch."

And she did, the team didn't know what kind of player she was, sure as hell she wasn't up for seeker. He gave her exercises, from being a keeper, a Beater, and finally a chaser.

She never played the sport, she was positive that she would be useless on the pitch, but it was anger that called the shots. She was able to block Flint's scores with all her anger, she was able to knock off Montague from his broom with a bludger, but she wasn't able to vent her anger in throwing a quaffle in the rings but was able to violently throw the quaffle on Warrington's head in frustration.

She trained and that was it, she vented her anger and that was all she could do. The team was impressed that she had the ability of playing like a maniac at twelve, Malfoy was scared when injuries were inflicted. More frightened by the beater's bat being bent with the force she used.

"Am I done?" She snapped at Flint who was grinning from ear to ear. He was sure to convince her to tryout next year for his final game in quidditch, he wouldn't tell her that or he will surely lose her.

"Good job Sprite," he said patting her back. But her mood hasn't lifted one bit that after practice she ran towards Hagrid's hut where she expected the trio were. Thankfully they were there, Hermione's eyes were red and puffy, Ron just finished vomiting slugs. She knocked on the door with great urgency, still in her quidditch gear.

Opening the door Hagrid stood there, he was surprised to see her, but she didn't say hello and rushed in to hug her best friend. "I'm so sorry I couldn't do anything! " she cried.

"It's alright—"

"No it isn't! That prat won't have his testicles in place for calling you a horrible name!" She snapped. Instinctively the boys covered their regions as they paled. She was indeed upset, Draco was luck to not have her wand with her for the fear of snapping it during practice.

"You are wonderful Hermione! Don't you ever listen to that idiot," she assured as she held her best friend's cheeks together squishing them.

"Thanks Finn," Hermione could only muster.

"How was quidditch practice? You didn't tell us you could play?" Harry began, he was surprised that she could play.

Finley shrugged, it was no use in hiding it really. "I don't play really, they wanted to train me because I blocked a flying quaffle for that one time," she said.

"I bet you were brilliant."

"You can trash talk me Potter, I can't play until next year," she said crossing her arms to her chest. She was at least an inch taller than Harry at this point.

Observing her stance, her quidditch gear was loose on her petite body, her hair in a tight ponytail that still fell into curls. She had beads of sweat on her fore head and she was flushed.

"Can't wait to see what you're playing as," Harry mused.

That evening they went back to the castle just before dinner so Finley could shower, Finley was bombarded by her two best friends who were excited to know that she decided to play.

"I heard Flint wanted you to be a beater!" Theo mused.

"I think you would rock as a beater!"

"I think I would smack you both with a beater's bat if you don't let me shower," she snapped at them feeling the exhaustion of training on her shoulders.

"How did training actually go? I heard you almost beaten Malfoy up."

Rolling her eyes as she arrived in her room boys followed behind her, she gave them both sarcastic smiles. "I'll tell you all about it later," she said closing the door in front of them. She loved her friends to bits but it doesn't mean that she wasn't always out to kill them.

She took of her quidditch cleats and the old training jerseys and finally had her shower. Not bothering to wear her uniform to the meal, she took out a pair of leggings and a Slytherin sweater that was formerly Blaise's but he didn't need to know that.

Slipping on a pair of white trainers, hair still damp but placed into a messy bun with a few on her short hairs falling on the sides of her face. She took her wand and walked out her room.

"Took you long enough," Theo said who was with Blaise on the couch waiting for her to come out.

"You both didn't have to wait up," she said rolling her eyes. Placing her arms around both boys' waists and their arms on her shoulders, they ventured towards the great hall. And hopefully it was to lift up her mood, especially when they can hear Parkinson's wails of pain from the other side of the castle.

"How Slytherin of you," Blaise mused.

Finley only let out a grin, yes it was very Slytherin of her.

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