Book 2: Chapter 4

Start from the beginning

"I told you he was a fake," Ron told Hermione as he watches Finley casting a spell to let Neville down.

"But he did all those wonderful things in the books—"

"He says he did Mione," Harry argues.


"Mione, don't be stupid," Finely snapped. She was pissed at the man who pretended to he a professor, he wasn't at all suited to be one to teach anyone his fake ways.

"That idiot is not a professor, I don't even know why Dumbledore had him teach us Defence. I don't see how we can defeat any a dark wizard with a fake spell that eradicates pixies," Finley finishes as she grabbed her bag from her Slytherin friends who waited for her. She motioned Neville to follow her as she was to take him and her friends to Madam Pomfrey for a check up. Even Draco who needed a new dress shirt.

"That's too far Finley, it's just the first Day—"

"Talk to me when you stop kissing up his fake ass, yeah?" Finley said walking out with the four boys.

"Finley, you didn't have to be mean about Professor Lockhart—"

Finley scoffed and so did the Slytherins who followed her. She wasn't mean about Lockhart she was telling the absolute truth at the moment. What that man did was flee in the sight of an out of hand experimentation. He was no professor, he didn't know what to do.

"Let's get you all checked by Poppy," she said leading the way to the Hospital Wing.

Days went on, DADA meetings with fake man Lockhart was still an imbecile and a know it all while being a brainless idiot. Hermione still liked him because of the man's 'Wonderful adventures'.

Even Neville wasn't that daft to see that the Professor was as clueless as an ass kisser. She avoided Hermione and the two boys because she felt like it. Those three were inseparable, and she decided to avoid them and focus on herself. She did in fact promise Thorns that she wasn't getting into trouble for anything.

But yet she was in detention in her second week for hexing Parkinson who bothered and taunted her for some unknown reason.

"I am deeply disappointed that you were caught," Snape scolded as he looked at the young witch under his care, who was just sat on a chair not caring about what she was scolded for.

"I have no other choice but to take points from this behaviour Finley," The Professor had said, though he hated taking points from his house, the moment Finley decided to use a spell to take away another students' bones was enough for a week of suspension. But of course he only gave her detention and taking away at least fifteen points.

"You will be scrubbing cauldrons until next Friday."

She didn't disagree, she gladly accepted her detention. It was worth it though, taking away Pansy's bones from all her limbs so she can have painful nights in the hospital wing trying to grow them back. She was to give Theo all her tarts for a week to thank him for gifting her an ancient latin spell book. She was dismissed after being scolded as she headed back to the common room, her boys were around the school either hexing or charming their way to the kitchens, it could be both but she didn't mind.

Thankfully her detention was to start tomorrow evening which was after the first quidditch match of the season. It was with Gryffindor and Slytherin again, and it was odd to see Draco bragging about having his father buy the whole team Nimbus 2001s.

She felt a quaffle on her way that she used her arm to block it sending it to the dungeon indoor pool. "Do you mind?" She snapped.

She was definitely having a bad day but the look on Montague's face when she blocked the thing was priceless. Flint was amused and Warrington was shocked, she didn't know why but she fled before anyone would catch her.

If those three boys were to ask her to play, she will hex their testicles to be stuck on their foreheads for the rest of the year.

Avoiding the Slytherin team was a bit difficult, especially when Snape was on her case trying to convince her to train with the team as a reserve.


"Leave me alone Flint!" She groaned full on ran away from the sixth year Slytherin quidditch captain. This was the amusing scenario from the Slytherin house every breakfast and lunch and possibly dinner. Where she was approached by quidditch players and constantly run for her life. Even her best friends try to corner her at some point but fail once they find themselves hanging over the common room ceiling.

"Salazar's beard! Stop running!" Flint exclaimed now tired of funning from the great hall to the common room.

"I told you a hundred times Flint," Finley panted on her knees tired of running.

"I don't want to play," she said wiping her forehead.

"That's not what I'm going to talk to you about Evans," Flint finally said after catching his breath. Evans looked towards his curiously, if it were any other student she wouldn't be running away but she knew that this might be a trap to get her to play.

She doesn't know how to play period, and she can't even get on a broom and be comfortable. She could ride but quidditch aerobics tire her out like running around the castle.

"What do you want me for?" She asked. Motioning the girl to sit down, which she did Marcus explained.

"We want you to be play Evans"

"I knew this was a trap—"

"If you play you're pardoned by all detentions, expulsions, and suspensions."

That can't be possible, that would hardly seem fair really. If she was pardoned by all detentions then having points taken without punishment was useless. But she was after all a Slytherin, smart but cold, silent but calculating, cunning, and loyal.

"Don't go all the way on expulsions and suspensions and all that, you could've just told me that you could get me out of detentions," she said nonchalantly.

"So you will train with us to play?" Flint asked hopeful. She wasn't sure if this was Marcus Flint the violent quidditch captain of Slytherin.

"I'll train, I don't think any of your players would want to be replaced in the season just yet."

"Then you have a deal," Flint said as they shook their hands together.

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