Time for gifts.

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((Y/n) p.o.v)

We were all hanging in the park near Maris with all the gifts in our hands.
"So who wants to go first?" Alya asked as she held the small bag.
"How about Chloe? To sorta mark how she has redeemed herself." I told having everyone agree.
"You sure no one else wants to go first?" She asked.
"Chloe. It's ok we aren't gonna hate you and who ever you got is gonna love the gift no matter what it is." Mari explained making everyone agree.
"Ok. Well the person I got was Kim. I hope you like it and that they both fit." She told as she handed him the small gift that wasn't perfectly wrapped.
'She must have done it herself.'
He unwrapped the gift and pulled the swimming goggles and swimming cap out.
"No way! My others just broke! Thank you Chloe." He told as he tried them on.
"No problem Kim. I'm glad you like them."
"I would like to go next." Sabrina told before walking towards Ivan. "I got Ivan and well I heard you needed some." She told as she gave the gift.
He opened it up to reveal new guitar strings. He was beaming and hugged Sabrina for the gift.
Nathaniel went next as he grabbed the giant rectangle gift he had.
"Nino! This is for you, and I had a bit of help from Alya getting it." He told.
He quickly opened it to show his Dj set was painted and he was so excited.
"Dude this is gonna make party's even more cooler!" He told making us chuckle.
"I guess I'll go next. Sabrina I hand made this with the help of Mari teaching me how to. I hope you like it." He told as he gave her the small box.
"Oh it's a new broach! Thank you Mark I love it!" She told giving him a hug.
"What about you Adrien, want to go next?" I asked
"I would rather go last." He told.
"Alright then. Ivan why don't you go?"
"Mark, I got you these since I overheard you only had a few pages left." He explained as he handed it to him.
"Thank you Ivan. I can start working on my next story."
"Oh I'll go." Mylene told "Max, this is for you."
"A new keyboard. Sweet. Alya, I got you. This is to help with the ladyblog." He explained as he gave the drone to her.
"Sick dude. Now for my person. Mylène! Here ya go girl." She told as she gave her the bag.
"I was looking at these the other day! Thank you!"
"I guess I'll go next. Alix, protect yourself!" He told as he tossed the gift to her.
"Was that your version of treat yourself? Also thanks for the knee and elbow pads bro." She told as they fist bumped.
"Oh oh! I got Juleka. I hope you will use these." She told as she gave her the small gift.
"Hair clips? Sick. Here you go Rose."
"This is just like your mirror bracelet. Oh I love it!" She told as she jumped on her to hug her.
"Nathaniel! I saw how your supplies were getting small so I got you these." He told as he handed him the gift.
"I needed more watercolour pencils. Thanks dude."
"Yo Adrien! You better use this." Alix told as she handed him the gift.
He opened it up to be a bit confused at the book.
"It's for photos of us and the moments you are actually able to have with us." Alix explained.
"Thanks Alix. I already have a bunch of photos I can put in this."
"Mari! Your turn girl." Alya told.
"Well I got Chloe. And I just hope you like them, and know that I made them." She explained as she handed the bag to her.
She pulled out sunglasses and a hair comb.
"I thought you might like to have a pair of Sunglasses you can change between. Oh and the hair comb, well it probably sucks you aren't able to be Queen Bee anymore since Hawkmoth knows so I thought that you could just be our classes little hero."
Chloe gave her a hug before pulling back and wiped her eyes before tears fell.
"Thank you Mari. A lot. This means the world to me."
"Anything Chloe."
"And that means the couple is left. Who is gonna go first?"
"I'll go. I got Mari, and your parents helped me with a part of it." I told as I handed her the box.
She opened it up and was exited to get more threads and needles. She suddenly stopped when she got to the drawings of us she went silent.
"There is also a little note there for you. Probably should wait till later though." I told.
"(Y/n)....this means so much to me. Thank you."
"No problem.... wait!" I turned to look at Adrien to see him standing there with a tablet.
He grabbed my hand and led me to the bench and sat me down before placing it in my hands after he sat next to me.
"I had some serious trouble trying to work out what to get you. Because what do you get the girl who is into ever single interesting hobby that there is? So I asked Natalie, and she told me you get them the one thing they don't have." He told before he pressed play.

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