Im going to make you pay Hawkmoth.

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While I ran on the roofs I kept watch to make sure I don't get hit again. My bow began to vibrate again and it showed Red.

"Espirit thank goodness your here."
"Where are you guys?"
"We are near the news station. Please hurry we are having difficulty trying to dodge all her attacks."
"On the way."

The call ended and I shot an arrow towards the news station hoping I would get there before they were hit.
(Come on guys. Don't get hit.)
I had to let go of the rope when balls of light began to head towards me.
(Don't get hit, don't get hit, don't get hit.)
I landed on the ground and shot a slime arrow to have her be distracted long enough.
"I will have your truth be told!"
"Your sister does not want this for you! You need to fight this!"
"I'm doing this for her! She has been treated like shit from the people she cares for, for things she has never done. I'm making things right wether you like it or not."
I saw Chat and Ladybug on the side lines and I knew what I had to do.
"I'm not going to fight you!" I tossed my bow and arrows away from me.
I began to make my way towards her and I just knew what might happen.
"ESPIRIT NO!" Chat cried as he leaped towards me.
I was hit with a ball of light as I neared and I continued to make my way towards her. Before she said her line I embraced her in a hug.
"What is this?"
"A hug."
"Tell me your truth." She said
"My truth is I know what it's like trying to protect the people I love and care for and how it feels like you have to do it alone."
"You..... the secret would have been your identity...."
"My secrets are more what I've hidden. I don't count my identity as the most important secret I have."
She slowly raised her arms as she began to hug me as well.
(Not today Hawkmoth.)
We let go of one another and she gave me her staff.
"Thank you for making me realise I messed up big time. I just hope my sister can forgive me." She said
"I'm sure she already has."
I tossed the staff over to Chat who broke it in two having Ladybug do her usual. My sister went back to normal and was confused on where she was.
"My sister is still at school!"
"Hey it's ok. Your sister is safe thanks to Chst noir. But you meet her back at her school to make sure she is ok and get her name cleared." I said before I got my bow and arrows and fired it towards a random place.
I was about to find a place to transform back when a voice spoke behind me.
"Hello Espirit."
I turned around and looked to see Hawkmoth. I took a shot at him only for him to dodge it.
"I wouldn't do that if I was you."
"Yeah well you are a villain. So what makes you think I'm going to stop?"
"I'll hurt your friends."
"You'll regret that."
"Oh will I, and why is that?
"Can't say, it's a secret. So what do you want?"
"I want to make an offer. I want you to join me my team."
"Yeah not gonna happen Hawkmoth."
"I'll let you think about it. Till we meet again Espirit." He said before he vanished.
(Gabriel what is your plan.)
I headed to the museum and went inside to find a hiding spot in case I was being followed. Once I knew the coast was clear I found a spot away from cameras and went back to being a civilian.
(Going to have to reveal it soon.)

The girl who knows the secret.Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz