Its the pick of the lottery.

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We were chilling in the classroom while Alix shook her hat shuffling the names.
"So the rules of the game is simple. Don't go over 30 dollars, do not tell anyone who you've got, we are to meet back in two weeks from today, if you get your own name put it back in the hat after you've grabbed another name. And last but not least. If you get (y/n), no bear objects that's too easy." Alya told making us laugh.
"Look I love all the bear things you got me but it's too much."
"We ready to go Alix?"
"Yes we are Mari. (Y/n), why don't you go first?"
"Alright. Fingers cross it's not me."
I put my hand in the hat and grabbed a random piece of paper. I looked at it and saw who I got.
'Sweet I got Mari.....what the hell am I gonna get her?'
I went back to my seat and soon everyone got a name and only three people had to go twice. Once everyone had one the bell rang and it was the end of the day. I headed home and began to think of what to get for Mari.
"Bjorn what do you think I should get her?"
"Well you could always get her some new threads. Tikki did say she is running out of her favourite pink thread but is too busy to get some at the moment."
"I could get some threads and new needles....I could also create a piece of artwork that she will like. What do you think?"
"Sounds good. We might be able to get her parents to lend us a photo or photo copy of one that you can do for her."
"I'll head there now. She mentioned she was going on a walk around town." I told before I made my way out of my home and to Mari's place.
I walked in and saw Tom and Sabine working away.
"Hey guys."
"Oh (y/n)! It's so good to see you. How have you been?"
"Been good. Now I was just wondering what is Maris favourite picture and if I could get a copy of it."
"Can we ask why?" Tom asked.
"We are doing a secret Santa and the person that has Mari asked if I could collect a picture for them, that way they stay a secret." I explained.
"Oh wonderful. I'll collect a few for them to borrow." Sabine told before making her way up to their house.
"So how did you two meet?" I asked
"I saw her and thought she was the most beautiful person I've ever seen. So I decided to ask her on a date and it was history from there."
"It's sweet. I could only hope me and Adrien have a relationship that last."
"As long as you two are honest and care for one another anything can last." He explained.
"Thanks Tom. Mari is lucky to have you as her dad."
"As she is lucky you are her friend."
Sabine came back with a few copies of their family photos and I took them.
"Thank you guys so much."
"(Y/n), before you go take some macaroons with you. We just made a fresh batch."
"Aw thanks guys. You two are the best." I told as I grabbed the box and headed out.
'Christmas is going to be interested this year.'

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