Book 1: Chapter 10

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"You're both idiots," she chuckled as she saw the cake, it was emerald green with a sword and snake that made the number twelve. "Happy super late birthday," Blaise said giving her a hug.

"Well we could've prepared a bit more and earlier if you told us," Theo playfully glaring at her.

"I don't go around parading the day I was pushed out my mother's womb Not Theo," she rolled her eyes as she pulled her friends out the library to the great hall where there were students who were having breakfast.

"How did you find out that my birthday passed?" She asked curiously, it wasn't like Snape would bluntly tell people her day of birth out of no where as a a conversation starter.

Both boys froze and squirmed, avoiding her eye, she found out why. "You sneaked in my room didn't you," she dead panned.

"We kind of, sort of," Theo mumbled.

"We saw a letter on you desk from your other guardian it was dated back on October," Blaise explained.

"You could've just asked."

"We could've but we didn't think we were long enough friends to start asking these things," Finley sighed. She was thankful that these boys were respectful enough to not assume too much of her, but sneaking in her room wasn't at all friendly as their friendship just started.

"How did you get the cake?" She asked again trying to bring back the light vibe.

"We might've asked a person to get it from Hogsmaede," Theo wiggled his brows.

"You did?"

"We did, and to tell you it took too much convincing," Theo sighed dramatically causing Blaise to smack the back of his head.

"Convincing my behind you bribed him," Blaise said slicing the cake for Finley who looked at Theo amused.

"Bribed an older Slytherin?" She laughed in amazement. Her friends were something that was for sure, she was happy enough that they befriended her even with the snapping and the uncalled for sarcasm.

"Yeah well, we know it's your late birthday and all, but could it kill you to at least dress out of you pyjamas?"

Looking down on her attire, she still wore her muggle hoodie and stretchable black pants. It wasn't helping her case that instead of proper shoes she wore her indoor fluffy slippers, thinking back when she saw Hedwig, Harry's owl. She over reacted about the urgency of the note and ran towards the library.

"What's Oxford?" Blaise asked eyeing her hoodie that she received from Ms Thorns from her birthday.

"It's a muggle school, in England."

"Why do you have it?"

Believe it or not Mirelle Thorns was a pureblood who attended muggle school before and after she attended Beauxbatons, for reasons that she did not know.

"A birthday gift," she grinned as she dropped the subject all together. The three enjoyed the cake and the presents that the boys gave her, it was thoughtful of them to give her more candy that can rot her teeth.

"If you keep gifting me sweets, I'll be heavier than my cat," she said as she took a bean from Berty Botts every flavour beans and cringed. "Fire whiskey."

"Fire whiskey? That's new," laughed Theo who tried his own box of candy.

"So what do you want to do for the rest of the day?" She asked as she closed the box of beans.

It wasn't a surprise that the boys were going home for the holidays next week, and that she was the only one left in the Slytherin common room. She was sure to spend a quarter of the day with Professor Snape, but after that and the Christmas morning itself she was alone.

Miss SlytherinHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin