"Don't talk like that Doc." Bailey told him, "Apocalypse isn't all bad." She said thinking about how none of them would have met if the world hadn't ended.

"Name one thing – besides the gang – that came out of this that was good." He said sounding out of breath as they pushed and pulled the cart uphill.

She thought for a second, "Z-weed?"

Doc hummed in approval before giving a chuckle, "Right on."

Then they heard a car and turned to see it coming down the road headed right for them. There were some other broken down vehicles nearby so they rushed the cart over and ducked behind them. But as the car drove by Doc stood up and ran back into the road.

"Hey. Warren!" he shouted and Bailey stood now too, keeping her hand on the shopping cart as Doc kept shouting. "Warren! Addy!"

They heard the brakes squeal as the car made a hard turn then the windows rolled down and Warren and Addy's heads popped out. 

"Doc!" Addy shouted then her face lit up more as she saw her best friend, "Bailey!"

Doc laughed in relief, "Hey you guys!"

"Steven Beck where the hell have you been?" Warren asked getting out of the car and making her way over giving Doc a hug, "We've been looking all over for you!"

"What happened to me? What happened to you?" Doc asked still smiling.

"Uh you didn't see the horde of spider zombies?" Addy asked.

"Spider zombies?" Bailey asked.

"Damn, no." Doc told her.

"They were covered in black widows, man." Hector said shaking his head.

"Black widow spiders, crawling with them." Addy said shuddering, "Whoo-hoo."

"Okay so what happened to you?" Warren asked, "And you." She said wagging a finger at Bailey like she wanted to scold her but Doc spoke up before Warren could.

"Well, have you ever seen the movie One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest? Add zombies, a black Elvis and mix well. It's a long story, but the best part is – we found 10K." Doc said his grin getting wider.

"What?" Warren asked in shock as they led the others to where they'd stashed the shopping cart with the sleeping 10K.

"10K!" Addy said happily but he didn't wake up, not even when she shook his shoulder. "Is he okay?"

"Should be fine." Doc said, "We found him locked up in an asylum, he was in pretty bad shape, had to give him a mix of five or six different prescriptions to get him back on his feet. He'll be fine once he sleeps it off."

"Okay, well let's get him into the SUV." Warren said and they pushed the cart over to the car. They unloaded the bags first to make a somewhat comfortable sleeping space for 10K. Then Bailey hopped in the back as they lifted 10K and she pulled him inside. She sat back with him lying partially on her and partially on their bags as he slept. Warren got back in the driver's seat and took off. Addy leaned over the back seat and bugged Bailey about doing her hair just like old times and finally Bailey gave in and let her braid it in a French braid along the back of her head. It did remind her of the old times, but then those thoughts darkened as she started to compare how things used to be with how they were now. As they drove Bailey couldn't help but notice the dark circles around 10K's eyes seemed darker and his skin seemed paler. That cocktail Doc gave him might have helped the side effects of Dr. Merch's booster shot but eventually he'd need another one.


"There's nothing to fear. . . I don't fear you. I hate you. What you did to Cassandra was worse than death. . . Just let it happen Kid. You won't be afraid anymore." He grunted in pain and hit the floor, "No please Murphy, no! . . .God no!"

Fracking Apocalypse - a ZNation 10K/Tommy FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now