72: Bye Bye

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Aang smiled to Azula as they preped to leave in the morning. "Good morning Azula! Beautiful day for a trip, isn't it?"

Azula stuck her nose up. "Humph. Be careful when put my luggage up on that Shaggy beast of yours." She threw her bag at Ty Lee's feet.

Kita scolded her. "Appa has feelings too."

Iroh chuckled. "That's right Kita."

Azula ignored them.

"Now, Kita," Tu Cho said. "Are you going to be good for Uncle Iroh?"

"Yes, mommy," Kita nodded.

"We will be fine, Tu Cho," Iroh said. "I've raised a child before," he chuckled.

"I know, Uncle Iroh. I'm just nervous." Tu Cho kissed the top of Kita's head. "And not about leaving Kita with you. I've done that before..."

"You'll have no trouble finding her, I'm sure," Iroh assured Tu Cho.

Tu Cho sighed and glanced towards her siblings. "I'm more concerned with what will happen when we do find her."

"Forgiveness is not something we do for other people," Iroh said hugging Tu Cho. "If it is not right for you, you don't have to give it."

Tu Cho took a deep breath. "I know."

"Mommy," Kita said grabbing Tu Cho's robe. "Why can't I go with you and daddy?"

"I told you it's not safe, little flame." Tu Cho knelt. "Aunt Azula is very sick still and we have a long way to go."

"Don't worry, little flame," Iroh lifted Kita to his shoulders with a groan. "We're going to have all the fun her while they do something boring."

"I promise," Tu Cho said, "I'll bring home something special for you."

"Okay, mommy!" Kita laughed. "Uncle Iroh, can we-"

Kita was cut off by a shout from Sokka as he was shocked by Azula. Aang earthbent Azula's feet in place, Katara froze her hand to stop any bending, and Zuko rushed foward toward his sister.

"Daddy!" Kita yelled, clearly worried.

"I'm okay!" Sokka called, backing away from Azula. He hurried over to the three.

"Are you alright?" Tu Cho asked Sokka, grabbing his hand.

"I'm fine," he said. "The only bruises are my ego."

Kita was still staring at her aunt. "Is Aunt Azula okay?"

"She's sick, remember? In her mind?" Tu Cho reminded, finding no better way to explain psychosis to a three year old.

"She doesn't have to be mean though."

"It's okay, Kita," Sokka said. "Some people just aren't good at being nice."

"Sokka," Zuko walked over to them. "Tu Cho. It's time to go."

"I changed my mind," Sokka said. "You should take first watch."

Zuko rolled his eyes and climbed in the saddle.

"Alright, little flame," Tu Cho smiled. "It's time for us to go." She kissed Kita's cheek. "I love you,  baby. Be good."

"Bye bye, mommy!" Kita waved as Sokka helped Tu Cho into the saddle. "Bye bye, Daddy!" Kita blew a kiss and Sokka pretended to catch it and put it in his pocket, causing her to giggle.

Iroh, Kita, and the Kyoshi warriors waved as Appa took off.


Sokka took a deep breath. "Open sky above us, a daring mission before us, and friends all around! Just like old times, isn't it?"

Aang chuckled. "Even better than old times! Before I always wanted to kiss katara and now I actually get to do it!"

"Aw, sweetie!" She kissed Aang.

Sokka sat back, putting his arm around Tu Cho. "I for one could do without that."

"Its too bad toph couldn't be here," Tu Cho said. "I'm glad her school is doing well though."

"Well instead of toph. Now to have..." Aang looked back at Azula.

"So tell me kids, I've been dying to know. Which of you miscreants did she approach first?" Azula asked.

"What are you talking about?" Katara asked in confusion.

"None of you had even met me yet!" She yelled. "How did she convince you to help her ruin my life!?"

Zuko put his arm across his sister's chest with a sizzling fist. "That's enough, Azula!"

Azula rolled her eyes. "Put that away, Zuzu. It's just small talk."

Sokka sighed. "I miss toph."

"You said it," Aang agreed.


The sky had begun to change colors when Zuko said, "I think that's Hira'a up ahead."

"If we can't get there by sunset though, we should set up camp," Tu Cho said, an uneasy feeling settling in her shoulders.  "I don't want to enter town in the middle of the night like a gang of bandits since we'll need these people to talk to us."

"Good point," Sokka agreed. "Hey Aang-" Aang's face was shockingly angry. "Ah! What, is it not enough that we have one passenger who stares at us with crazy eyes?! What's wrong with your face?!"

"I don't know, I can't help it! There's something out there... some kind of spirit. I can feel it's presence," Aang touched his face, "especially in my face."

"Now that you mention it, I feel it too. That's why I'm doing this." Sokka made a face with wide eyes. Tu Cho stifled a giggle.

"Sokka, this is serious!" Katara yelled.

Sokka made a new face. "As serious as this?"

Tu Cho laughed again.

Katara scolded, "Don't encourage him! Sokka, knock it off!"

Aang looked over the edge of the saddle.  "Woah! Did you guys see that giant wolf spirit? I think that's the presence I'm feeling!"

Sokka made another face that made Tu Cho laugh. "Did the wolf look something like this?"

Zuko looked down. "There's nothing down there."

Tu Cho looked over the edge. She couldn't see anything but she couldn't not see anything. A shimmer in the air was moving in the same general direction as the group but it wouldn't take shape in her eyes.

"Azula!" Zuko yelled, catching attention. "Get down from there!"

Azula smiled. She was standing on top of the side of the saddle.  "I can't tell you what a pleasure it's been ridding with you all, listening to you bicker, too bad not all siblings get along as well as Zuzu and me! Now that Hira'a is just a hop, skip, and jump away, it's time to bid farewell. I'll be sure to give her your regards!" Azula jumped.

Zuko yelled too late, "No, azula, we're up too high!"

"I got her!" Aang jumped with his glider and caught her by the arm. Azula set Aang's glider on fire. Aang crashed and Azula landed in a crouch. She took off in a run.

Appa landed and everyone jumped from Appa's saddle.

Tu Cho and Zuko immediately took after their sister. "You guys go make sure Aang is okay! We'll go after Azula!"

Redeemed (Sokka x O.C.) ‐ Finished- Trigger Warning In Discription Where stories live. Discover now