16: Lake Laogai

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Tu Cho had packed while they went to a warehouse to look for Appa. She knew he wouldn't be there and was only proven correct when they arrived back in dismay. Tu Cho had a bag of food for each of them and would be glad when they found Appa as none of the others were going to know she was carrying food and other supplies until much later.

After they had arrived home they left almost right away, this time Tu Cho went with them to Lake Laogai. It was just outside the walls of Ba Sing Se and the shores were misty.

"So where's this secret headquarters?" Sokka asked Jet.

Jet scratched his head. "Under the lake I think."

Toph pointed to a spot in the water right in front of Tu Cho. "There's a tunnel right there near the shore." She walked up, whistling. When she reached the water's edge Toph jumped up in an earth bending move and a stone pathway rose to the surface. Toph walked along it to a stone disc, which she threw aside. Everyone peered down into the dark shaft and Momo flew away chittering nervously.

The group climbed down and found themselves in a crosshatch of large passages lit by green firestone lanterns. Jet lead them through the tunnels. "It's all starting to come back to me." Jet edged quietly to a partially opened door, then moved on followed by the others.

Tu Cho refused to look inside but it didn't stop the image of a million girls being trained to be Joo Dee from entering her mind.

Jet led in silence for a little while before he said, "I think there might be a cell big enough to hold Appa up ahead." He stopped before a sealed stone door. "I think it's through here." He tried to move it aside but Toph had to earth bend it away.

They stepped into the room and Tu Cho looked up. It the dim cavern she could only just make out the shapes of the Dai Li and she didn't move fast enough to stop her friends. They were cast into darkness and Tu Cho grabbed Sokka's arm. Green lanterns flairedd to life and reavealed Long Feng.

Sokka stared up. "Now that's something different."

Long Feng was grim. "You have made yourselves enemies of the state. Take them into custody."

The Dai Li dropped to the floor, encircling the heroes. Two agents launched a stone fist attack, but Toph disintegrated them in mid-flight. As the dust cleared, she launched the two across the room with a pair of rock pillars. Behind her, Jet turned and rushed another pair, cutting their stone fist projectiles from the air.

Long Feng watched dispassionately as Aang dealt with two more of his Dai Li with air and earthbending.

Katara and Sokka managed to destroy two more of the glove projectiles before being seized by two more. Toph intervened with a stone wall before they can be drug to the waiting Dai Li. They sent a rush of stone towards Toph, but she rose high into the cavern on a pillar of rock, forcing them to pursue her the same way.

Tu Cho was worried. She wasn't that strong and she was carrying another human in her. If she gor hurt, she was worried about what could happen to the baby. It was for this reason that Tu Cho didn't try to fight when a Dai Li agent grabbed her with his stone gloves and pulled her closer to him. She turned to look at the young man with pleading eyes. It was the same agent who had walked her home after the party, the one she'd given a nosebleed.

He seemed surprised. "You?"

She looked at the floor. "Hello, agent." Tu Cho said with out looking at him. "Please, whatever you do, don't hurt my baby..."

His eye twitched as though he was conflicted. He shook his head hard. "Fuck it! I can't do this!" He released the gloves and opened up a secret passage way. He grabbed Tu Cho's hand and pulled her through it. "Long Feng will have my head for this..."

Tu Cho was surprised. "You're helping me?"

"Yes." He continued pulling her along. "My name is Fa Ho and I have a daughter named Quen Ho about your age... had... She's Joo Dee now... Ba Sing Se seems like perfection but it's no place for a family." He stopped to open another passage. "That water tribe boy looks like a pretty strong warrior."

"Yeah..." Tu Cho said. "Quick thinking too. Like a wolf."

"That's good," he said as he pulled her down the passage. "I wanted someone like that for my Quin." He bent aside a slab of earth and helped Tu Cho out. "Stay safe, young lady." He turned to go back.

"Fa Ho!" Tu Cho grabbed his shirt. "Quin Ho will refuse to leave. If you want to leave, get Jen Ho and go. Quin Ho will turn you in and you will be slain."

He turned back to her and set his hands on her shoulders. "I can't leave without her." He ran.

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