23: Fake Warriors (NEW ART)

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Tu Cho stood in Long Feng's old place to the right of the King's golden throne. His bear Bosco rested his chin on one of the throne's arms. The three girls in Kyoshi garb knelt at the foot of the dais.

The Earth King smiled. "Look Bosco, the Kyoshi Warriors are here to protect us. Aren't you excited?" The bear didn't care as the king addressed the three in Kyoshi uniforms. "It's been a difficult week for me. My most trusted advisor, Long Feng, and his Dai Li agents tried to take control of Ba Sing Se from me."

Azula spoke smoothly. "It's terrible when you can't trust the people who are closest to you." It was the same voice smooth voice from Tu Cho's past. The same manipulative patterns from when she was Kija Rei. The same cadence that had so often gotten her into trouble with her father.

Earth King Kuei stroked Bosco's head. "But there is good news. As we speak, the Council of Five is meeting to plan an invasion of The Fire Nation this summer. On the day of a solar eclipse."

Azula feigned enthusiasm. "Really? Now that sounds like a fascinating and brilliant plan."

It made Tu Cho uncomfortable to hear the voice that tormented her youth. She excused herself quickly and quietly.


Later, Tu Cho stood outside the thrown room until the three "warriors" came out. Tu Cho took a deep breath, finally ready to confront her sister, and said, "Welcome to Ba Sing Se."

Azula spun around. "Is it really-?"

"My name is Tu Cho." Tu Cho interrupted. "I am from Kyoshi myself."

The three girls exchanged glances. "Really?" Azula smirked.

Tu Cho looked down the hallways but no one was coming, "Fire Princess Azula." She gave a bow. "Oh don't worry. I'm not going to tell."

"How can we trust she won't tell the king?" Mai asked. "She's a king's advisor."

"That won't be problem," Azula said with a smile, "will it, Kija Rei."

Tu Cho stood. "It's Tu Cho now. I'm a fortune teller and Earth Kingdom citizen... For now, that is."

"For now?" Azula asked. "Sounds intriguing. Tell me my fortune, Kija Rei."

"Ba Sing Se will fall at your hands," Tu Cho said, "though I don't know how

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"Ba Sing Se will fall at your hands," Tu Cho said, "though I don't know how."

"That is good to hear..." Azula laid her hand on the side of Tu Cho's face with a smile. "Oh big sister..." her smile dropped for a second. "You're getting fat."

Tu Cho covered her stomach with her arms as though to protect her baby. She closed her eyes and turned away.

Azula smiled wide. "Still uncomfortable with me, aren't we?" She pulled her hand away. "No matter. We're going anyway." Azula smiled. "Play your cards right, sister, and you could come home with me after the war. Back to the life of a princess... Perhaps even as an advisor..." She led the other girls down the hall.

"Bye bye!" TyLee called as she followed behind her.

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