44: White Lotus Tile

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Piandao frowned and turned away. "I'm sorry, too." Piandao quickly turned back around and swung his sword at Sokka.

Sokka stood and avoided the attack, using his own sheathed sword to block a thrust from Piandao. Aang, Katara, and Toph got up to help Sokka, but he raised his hand to stop them. "No, this is my fight, alone."

They made their way outside and Sokka and Piandao squared off in the sword fighting ring while Aang, Katara, Toph, Tu Cho, and Fat watched from the upper part of the main building.

They stood for a moment before Piandao lunged forward and began his attack, striking four times. Sokka deflected the blows and stabbed at Piandao.

Piandao moved his head out of the way and stabbed at Sokka, who swayed back to avoid the attack; Piandao swept his sword at Sokka's legs, but Sokka jumped over it and lunged at Piandao, thrusting his sword forward. Piandao deflected Sokka's blade and hit him with the butt of Sokka's sword's hilt.

Sokka was knocked back several feet and slid across the floor. Sokka flipped himself backward and grabbed a post of a small bridge to regain his balance. He quickly climbed onto the post and leaped to the other one just as Piandao thrust his sword at him.

Piandao spun around and tried to slice Sokka's foot, but Sokka jumped away to the other rail of the bridge. Piandao stabbed at Sokka again, but Sokka jumped off the rail and rolled to the side. Piandao struck again, but Sokka rolled under the blade. Sokka blocked Piandao's next strikes as he gained distance and hopped back on the railing. Sokka lept away to the end of the bridge as Piandao swung his sword at him.

"Excellent! Using your superior agility against an older opponent... very smart." Piandao charged at Sokka again, striking at Sokka and pushing him up a large stone stairway.

Sokka blocked all of the attacks, but the force pushed him against the wall of the stairway. He deflected a thrust from Piandao upward, then ducked as the blade sliced through the part of the wall just above his shoulder. Piandao swung his sword around his head and body in two large circles. Sokka barely dodged Piandao's blade, cart wheeling to the right. Sokka spun back around, hopped a foot off the ground and pushed off the wall with his legs, propelling himself forward, sword extended. It was amazing and even Tu Cho, who had one hundred percent confidence in Sokka, was impressed. Piandao deflected the attack and Sokka rolled across the stair to the other wall, climbing to the top.

"Good use of terrain, "Piandao said, "fighting from the high ground."

Sokka swung at Piandao below him, who parried and swung up at Sokka. Piandao thrust his sword at Sokka, who pinned the blade under his own blade, weighted down under his feet.

Piandao tried to wrench his sword free, but couldn't. He leaned forward and pushed his sword upward, throwing Sokka off. Sokka grunted as he stumbled back into a tall stalk of bamboo.

Tu Cho, Aang, and Katara all winced at the sight.

Sokka looked up fearfully, strands of hair falling over his face. Piandao raised his sword and charged at Sokka. Sokka ducked as Piandao sliced the bamboo just above his head. He ran off into the bamboo thicket, slicing through as many of the surrounding stalks of bamboo that he could. As Piandao gave chase, the stalks all began to fall. Piandao skillfully cut through the bamboo. Sokka desperately ran through the bamboo searching his mind for a plan. He turned, grabbing a stalk and pulling it. He let it go just as Piandao was catching up, causing the bamboo to whip back at Piandao. Piandao cuts through the stalk and began to strike at Sokka, who deflected and ran off again, grabbing two bamboo stalks.

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