42: A Bad Joke

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Tu Cho looked up at Piandao's castle, located on top of a large bluff, from Sokka's side at the front gate.

Sokka grabbed a knocker and tapped it against the large door a few times. "I'm so nervous..."

Tu Cho grabbed his hand. "You're going to do great, Sokka. Your power of persuasion is astonishing. I know he'll agree to train you."

"I couldn't even persuade you to let me use pet names and you already like me! I don't see how I'm going to persuade Master Paindao to teach me." Sokka knocked again. "I don't know if I'm worthy of teaching anyway..."

"You're more than worthy, Sokka. The only thing stronger than your persuasion is my resistance..." Tu Cho smiled and kissed his cheek. "But I've been thinking... I'll let you have another shot at finding a pet name. Nothing belittling like 'baby' though."

Sokka smiled. "Really? That's great!" Sokka enthusiastically knocked but no one answered again. He grew more frustrated. "Why aren't they answering?" He released Tu Cho's hand and began using both door knockers, banging them loudly and frantically.

The right door was opened by the butler, frightening Sokka. He was apathetic. "Can I help you?"

Sokka quickly composed himself and assumed a more mannered persona. "I've come to train with The Master."

"You should know The Master turns almost everyone away." He held his hand out. "What did you bring him to prove your worth?"

Sokka felt around his empty pockets for something to offer. "Well, uh...".

"Right." The man shook his head sadly. "Let's get this over with."

"I love you, Sokka." Tu Cho smiled. "Good luck."

"Thank you, Tu Cho." Sokka smiled. "I love you too."


The group, minus Sokka, sat at their campsite near the river. Tu Cho, Aang, and Katara were sitting around a map of the Fire Nation.

"So where are we going next?" Katara asked, pointing to the map. "We're starting from here."

Aang pointed at a different spot. "No, we're over on this island."

Toph laid down beside Tu Cho. "You noodle-brains don't know what you're doing. I miss Sokka."

"I miss him too." Tu Cho watched the clouds crawl across the sky. "Hope he's doing okay..."

"Ooh, I got one. If you miss him so much, why don't you marry him?" Katara smiled at her joke.

Tu Cho gave Katara a look that said "duh" to anyone who paid attention. "Yeah..."

Toph rolled over on her side, away from Katara. A winged insect buzzed in front of Aang, who simply blew it away with a quick blast of wind from his breath.


Tu Cho looked up at Piandao's castle again, this time waiting for Sokka. The castle was magnificent with beautiful gardens. The large doors swung open slowly and Sokka stepped out, bowing to his master on the way.

Tu Cho smiled as he reached her. "How was it?"

Sokka hugged her with a smile. "You were right."

"Of course I was," Tu Cho said. "Now tell me about training."

"Well," Sokka took her hand as they started back to camp, "I was sure that I did everything wrong but he says I'm ready for a real sword."

"That's great, Sokka. You can go into the eclipse with a blade as sharp as your mind."

"Yeah," Sokka said, "but I have to make it myself."

"A sword for battle should be part of you, just like bending is a part of your sister or Aang." Tu Cho said. "It's a great honor to fight with a sword you forged yourself."

"Yeah. I'm pretty excited," he said. "It's pretty cool."

"I'm excited for you to be back at camp for a little... I don't know if I could take another minute of your sister trying to make jokes." Tu Cho giggled.

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