43: The Sword

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Tu Cho sat waiting while everyone around her took a nap. They had argued again about the map for a while and decided that none of them actually knew where they were.

Toph suddenly sat up. "Sokka's coming!"

Aang and Katara woke up, gasping and smiling excitedly.

Sokka reached the top of the hill and waved and smiled. "Hey, guys. What are you doing?"

"Waiting," Tu Cho said.

Aang, Katara, and Toph all jumped at Sokka and gave him a group hug. "Sokka!"

They released him and Katara said, "We missed you so much!"

Aang pleaded, " Say something funny."

"Funny how?" Sokka asked. Aang and Katara both laughed heartily. Sokka turned to Tu Cho. "What's their deal?"

Tu Cho shrugged. "I don't know."

"They missed you or something. I didn't care." Toph turned away, but Tu Cho knew she was smiling. Smiling and blushing.

Sokka smiled. "Thanks. That warms my heart. Anyway, I need some help."

Soon Sokka, Aang, and Katara were pushing the meteorite up the slope to Piandao's castle. Toph was behind the meteorite, pushing it forward with her earthbending while Tu Cho followed behind, feeling she couldn't do anything in her current state. Sokka wouldn't have let her help any way. They quickly made it to the large double doors. Sokka ran to the doors and banged both knockers frantically.

Piandao opened one of the doors almost immediately and stepped out. "Who's this?"

Sokka smiled. "Oh, these are my friends. Just other good Fire Nation folks." Piandao bowed to them. "Do you think we can make a sword out of a meteorite?"

Piandao laid a hand on the meteorite and examined it. "We'll make a sword unlike any other in the world."

Sokka smiled and helped push the large space rock inside. Once done he hugged each of his friends. "I'll be back soon."

"Not soon enough," Toph said.

Sokka finally hugged Tu Cho. "I'm going to miss you, Tu Cho."

"Oh Sokka." Tu Cho grabbed his hands and set them on the baby bump. "In two days time, you will have finished your sword and I will be waiting for you on the door step." She kissed him and smiled as the baby moved.

Sokka smiled. "I can't wait."


Tu Cho waited with her friends for someone to open the door. Sokka opened it with a wide smile. He led them inside. They were shown where to sit behind Sokka.

Before them was Piandao. "Sokka, when you first arrived, you were so unsure. You even seemed down on yourself. But I saw something in you right away. I saw a heart as strong as a lion turtle, and twice as big. And as we trained, it wasn't your skills that impressed me." Fat knelt to Piandao and gave him the sword. "No, it certainly wasn't your skills. You showed something beyond that." He unsheathed the sword, showing its black blade. "Creativity, versatility, intelligence... these are the traits that define a great swordsman. And these are the traits that define you." He sheathed the sword, knelt, and gave it to Sokka. "You told me you didn't know if you were worthy, but I believe that you are more worthy than any man I have ever trained."

Sokka looked up then he lowered his head in shame. "I'm sorry, Master. You're wrong. I am not worthy. I'm not who you think I am. I'm not from the Fire Nation. I'm from the Southern Water Tribe." Aang, Katara, Tu Cho, and Toph all gawked at Sokka with shock and disbelief. "I lied so that I could learn swordsmanship from you. I'm sorry." Sokka held his sword up for Piandao to take.

Piandao frowned and turned away. "I'm sorry, too." Piandao quickly turned back around and swung his sword at Sokka.

Redeemed (Sokka x O.C.) ‐ Finished- Trigger Warning In Discription Where stories live. Discover now