64: Fire Lord Zuko

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Tu Cho felt a hand touch her shoulder to wake her. She opened her eyes to see Sokka sitting beside her and holding Kita. The moon light made him look unreal. "I'm dreaming, right?"

"Nope," Sokka leaned over and kissed her. "I'm right here."

Tu Cho smiled and sat up. She looked over her fiancé, noticing the wrap around his leg and a crutch beside him. "What happed to your leg?"

"I hurt my ankle jumping from one air ship to another," Sokka said. He nearly fell backward as Tu Cho threw her arms around his neck.

Tears were falling down her face and she smiled over his shoulder. "I love you so much."

"I love you too." Sokka put one arm around her, Kita in the other arm. "Are you rested enough to go?" She didn't let go of his neck as she shook her head, her tears soaking into his shirt. Sokka gave a half laugh and hugged her tighter with his free arm. "Me neither."


Sokka was using a crutch as he, Katara, and Tu Cho looked around the fire nation plaza. Tu Cho pointed at the back of a man in water tribe clothing. "I found him!"

Sokka and Katara yelled, "Dad!" they quickly ran toward him as best Sokka could with Tu Cho trailing slightly behind, Kita in her arms, looking around at all the people.

Hakoda turned at his children's voices. He hugged his children with a smile. "I heard what you two did." He let go of them. "I am the proudest father in the world." Sokka smiled. "And your mother," Hakoda looked at his daughter, "would be proud too." Katara touched her necklace and teared up.

Tu Cho smiled as she stopped beside her fiancé. Kita cooed at her grandfather, catching the handsome man's attention. If his smile could have gotten any bigger it would have as he looked at the dark haired, golden eyed, baby girl with chubby cheeks. "Hakoda, meet Kita."

The man laughed as he took the cooing baby girl from her arms and played with her. "She looks just like you, Tu Cho." Tu Cho smiled.

"Hey!" Suki's voice yelled from just a bit off. Tu Cho and Sokka turned to see Suki and two other warriors in full uniform.

Sokka laughed. "There's my favorite warriors. I have to admit, I kind of missed the face paint."

Tu Cho hugged Suki. "How does it feel to be back in uniform again?"

Ty Lee, in Kyoshi uniform, cut through from behind Suki. "It feels great!"

Sokka stood in front of Suki and Tu Cho protectively while pointing his crutch towards Ty Lee. "Careful! Ty Lee is pretending to be a Kyoshi Warrior again.

"It's ok," Suki said, Sokka relaxing. "She's one of us now." Sokka was dumbfounded.

"Yeah, the girls and I really bonded in prison and after a few Chi blocking lessons, they said I could join their group." She stood between 2 warriors and placed her arms around their shoulders. "We're going to be," she pulled them closer to her as they look on expressionlessly, "best friends forever." Ty Lee smiled widely and the 2 warriors smiled albeit hesitantly.

One girl pushed Ty Lee off and bowed before Tu Cho. "Thank you for helping in our training, Princess."

Tu Cho was extremely confused. "I'm not sure I know who you are... I'm sorry... What do you mean?"

The girl clenched her fist. "I was so rude before you left, I deserve to be forgotten." Tears fell from her eyes to the ground. "I'm Kayotee, big sister!"

"Kayotee...? Kayotee!" Tu Cho knelt and grabbed the younger girl's face. "You've grown up so much, little sister!" Tu Cho hugged the young warrior.

She cried into the shoulder of Tu Cho's fire nation robes. "I'm sorry I was such a brat!" She threw her arms around the older warrior, knocking Tu Cho onto her butt. "I was a bully! I never should have said you had a stick up your butt or that you left because you couldn't take it! I wish I'd known your story before!"

Redeemed (Sokka x O.C.) ‐ Finished- Trigger Warning In Discription Where stories live. Discover now