15| Ball of Chaos

Start from the beginning

An awkward slice engulfed us. I ran my hands through the back of my hair nervously.

She suddenly said something that made me freeze. "So.....Quinn Manchester huh?"

She has always been so straight forward since we were kids. But at least she shouldn't say things that makes the atmosphere tense and awkward!

I was lost of words.

"He betrayed you, Nana!" Her brother yelled from the kitchen.

"We had it all planned Ace," She said, her voice shaking. My stomach churned and I tried to avoid her gaze.

"Nana," I began and she held my hands gently in hers. She stared at me, her blue eyes scanning my face. I was sure she swallowed before saying, "I saw wrong right? Huh? Ace you can explain, right? I'll believe you. You know that right, I trust you."

I looked at her and held her hands.

"Let's go inside."



I want to query him and corner him demanding answers. But I can't I have to be professional at work, especially now that the chief is in town.

I sighed and tucked a piece of stray air behind my ear. I slyly glance at him and saw him reading a file innocently. I glanced at Esther and saw her hurriedly typing away on her laptop with her glasses on.

I bit my lower lip at the weirdly familiar comfortable silence that engulfed the office. I know what to do, but as a licensed lawyer, I can't do what normal me would do.

Earlier today we got a new client. It's a case about a man who was killed in his bathtub, but the thing is he lives alone and the security camera caught nothing, absolutely nothing we have no fingerprints, no traces of anything. It was the perfect murder.

Right now Esther is calling all the shops near the deceased's house asking for their security cameras that might have caught the killer. And Lucas is checking the deceased's call history. And on my desk is information about the deceased.

"This is really frustrating!" Esther groaned and we perked up to listen to her.

She looked at both of us before saying, "I have a feeling it's that the killer is the manic who killed Mrs. Oyster last two weeks. He knows all the cameras' blind spots and kills without leaving any single clue. And do you know what? As always the shop's security cameras caught nothing. I'm about to pull my hair out of its fucking root."

We both sighed as Esther removed her glasses. "But don't you think it's suspicious that the two people he killed are very rich people that have one thing in common," I pointed out.

"What are you trying to imply?" Lucas asked, massaging his temples.

I stood up from my chair and leaned on Esther's desk to be closer to them because their desks were closer to each other.

"Mrs. Oyster was involved with drugs, she paid the media off to silence them and soon everyone forgot about it....like it never happened," I said remembering how it happened.

"And now drugs were found in Aaron's safe," I pointed out and the expression on their faces was enough to make me know that we are all on the same page.

"Is the killer their boss who sells the drugs and doesn't want any links to him because they got caught?" Lucas thought out loud.

"How would their boss be so good at killing?" Esther queried, pessimistically.

"The boss is going to be someone obviously huge.... someone, so huge that he would pay very good assassins to do his dirty jobs," I said, clicking my tongue.

Lucas groaned and leaned back on his seat. "But we weren't in charge of Mrs. Oyster's case."

"Esther tomorrow, let's go and meet the ones in charge of Mrs. Oyster's case. We must not let another person get in danger," I told her and she nodded.

"I'm so hungry," Esther groaned after a while.

"Why don't we go have lunch together," Lucas suggested getting his coat. Esther perked up exhilarated, "Let's go!"

We all laughed as we got our coats. My eyes flickered to Lucas's laptop and I told them to go before me.

"Really, what's wrong? You know you're the main reason I want to do this." Lucas pouted and Esther huffed at the lack of attention she was getting.

"I'll be outside!" She yelled said glaring at us before walking out and we chuckled.

"Go on and stay with Esther, I'll be out in a minute," I reassured him.

Gosh just freaking go!!!

He reluctantly shuffled away. Once I made sure that the coast was clear I quietly went to Lucas's laptop to find the contract Mr. Jefferson is with.

I clutched my phone in my hand and searched his files for the document. My fingers moved so fast against the keyboard, I was glad that my mother made me go to computer classes. And finally, I found it, I immediately got my phone and top a picture of it. I couldn't believe my eyes, if Mr. Winston signs the paper all the companies under the Winston's would be shared equally among Mr. Jefferson and Liam. The branches in Chian and Australia would be given to Myra.

What kind of cruel world do we live in now? We can't really trust anyone.

The door suddenly opened abruptly and I almost stumbled as my phone fell from my hands and crashed on the floor.

My eyes widen as he stared at me warily.

I swallowed and stared, the pupils in my eyes fading away as the whites expanded.


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They really help in getting the story out there 🥺🥺

QOTD: What's your favourite kdrama?!?

I honestly can't pick.😭😭

What gets me irritated is when someone says love alarm or nevertheless is the best kdrama😭 don't get me wrong,I love them. But when there's k2, scarlet heart, weightlifting fairy, strong woman, penthouse, sky castle, a man called God those other kdramas don't stand a chance.😤

Anways off to the next chapter my loves

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