Epilogue: The Ending

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Mia's POV

The last four days have been absolute shit! Who in their right mind decided it was best if they didn't tell me about going into heat? It all started with me swimming in Kings Lake with Brady, Frankie, and Daniel celebrating our last day together until we finally moved out. That day already started terribly when I burned myself trying on a pair of Mom's silver earrings she had let me borrow. We had never really figured out why I was only affected by silver, maybe it may have been from the rogue bite my mother had received when she was pregnant with me?

Brady had told me all about Matt and I felt like an absolute douche treating him the way I did. He explained everything from the way he helped my mom escape and give birth to helping her choose a name for me.

As we continued to stay at the Woods Pack, Uncle Luca had many of his pack members pitch in to help restore the old Pack territory that Xavier had owned, it was his only exception if Brady and I decided to run our own pack.

I mean I didn't mind, it only meant that we would be closer to them, so visiting wouldn't be an issue. We were honestly having so much fun when out of f*cking nowhere...an agonizing pain grew in my stomach. I climbed out of the lake laying on the ground in a fetal position. The endless torment only seemed to grow. Brady rushed out of the lake shifting into his wolf, Ryan. Isn't it crazy I had only recently learned the name of his wolf? Anyway, Ryan whimpered nudging his head into my side in hopes of getting me to sit up.

"Shit, it's a full moon!" Daniel hollered over to us.

Frankie and Daniel literally hauled ass leaving my mate and me alone in the middle of the woods. Long story short, I felt my first heat and we ended up overstaying our visit a little longer than expected. During the second day of my heat, all of my Uncles had left back to Utah to live their lives. My parents had gone back with Matt to sell the house before making the choice to move in with Aunt Diana and Uncle Luca.

Today was the day after my last day of heat and I felt like a whole new person. Brady had stayed with me at all times not leaving my side once. He would get so angry whenever anyone tried to come to check up on how I was, he was so overprotective. I'll be honest it was kind of hot but it may have just been the heat going to my head.

I was now in the living room waiting for my mate impatiently. I really wanted to go to see our new place. Brady came down the stairs with a few bags in his hands that contained our clothes and other items that we had stolen from Uncle Luca and Aunt Diana.

My hands grabbed a couple of the bags off of his shoulders then headed outside to see Frankie by a Jeep with his bags on the floor next to himself. One of the rogues of our new pack stood in front of the Jeep waiting patiently for us. I was confused as to how in the hell the car appeared in front of us.

"It was my mother's," Brady said.

I kept quiet understanding that he probably didn't want to talk about it anymore. Instead, I waved at Frankie with a cheesy smile interlocking my fingers with Brady's. Frankie was our new Beta and I truly couldn't have been happier with the decision, which Brady had made.

"Alright, Alpha, and Luna! Let's get this show on the road!" Frankie said with pure excitement.

It never really settled with me that I was now a Luna and in charge of an entire pack of my own. There was no way I would live up to the way Uncle Luca and Aunt Diana run their pack, but I sure as hell was going to try my best.

Brady made his way to the driver's seat of the Jeep and I head towards the passenger seat. The rogue and Frankie loaded our bags into the trunk before getting into the car themselves. This was going to be epic.


I gasped when I saw the renovated Packhouse that was now owned by Brady and I. It was absolutely gorgeous. I didn't hesitate to sprint inside to look around. Brady chuckled behind me slamming the car doors shut following me inside. The first place I checked was the kitchen, then the living room. It was bigger than I had expected.

"Do you like it?" Brady asked from behind me. I jumped into his arms with a squeal of excitement.

"Yes! I love it so much!"

He spun me around laughing at my reaction before putting me down. Frankie knocked on the wall near the living room grabbing our attention. He cleared his throat preparing to speak as a beautiful woman walked into our Packhouse. Her eyes were an icy blue and hair so blonde it could have pulled off as being white.

"Alpha, Luna, meet Rose. She will be our gamma. Alpha King and Luna Queen had sent her here and assigned Rose to accompany us," Frankie explained.

It was all coming together and I couldn't have been happier. My heart might explode from all of this.

I gripped onto Brady's hand pulling him into a hall which led to a spiral staircase. We went up and checked all of the bedrooms before claiming the largest one. Brady had left me for a moment to find a room that would be considered our office space. While he was doing that, I explored our new bedroom just figuring out where everything was. My attention went to the large window that showed the outside edge of our border. It was beautiful with the trees surrounding us.

I felt a pair of arms wrap around me and a chin dig into my collarbone indicating Brady was with me once again. My back touched Brady's chest, my arms over his. He kissed my cheek giving me the biggest grin I have ever seen.

His lips went close to my ear before he whispered, "Welcome home,"

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