Chapter Eleven: Burns

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Mia's POV

I wake up to the small sound of snoring. My eyes open with ease and I let out a light yawn while rubbing the sleep away.

Brady shifts his head which causes it to drop off of the armrest. He jolts awake and grabs a hold of my arm from the sudden reaction.

I sit up with shock and let out a small squeal.

"Oh my gosh!"

My foot kicks Brady in a very unpleasant place and I cover my mouth from the actions that have taken place.

"I am so sorry. Are you okay?"

Brady groans and lays on the ground slightly rolling from side to side.

"I'm f-fine. It's okay," Brady gasps outs. His eyes meet mine and he starts to laugh a bit.

I laugh breathlessly then start to giggle as I watch Brady sit up on the floor. My feet are tucked under my body and I let out a hand for him to grab onto.

He hesitated for a moment then grabbed a hold of it.

"Good morning,"

I flinch as another voice interrupts our 'moment'. My head turns around and I see a frail woman staring at us with such confusion. Brady pulls his hand back harshly and I turn my attention to him this time.

"Mother," He says.

Brady stands up and scratches the side of his arm slightly. Brady's mother walked toward us and stared at me with such intensity. I crouch down more in the cushions and avoid eye contact.

"Well? Are you going to introduce me or do I need to do that by myself?"

Brady clears his throat then takes a small step away from me.

"Pfft. No need. She won't be here for long."

There was a sudden shift of tone in his voice and I raise an eyebrow in confusion. His mother glares at me then lets out a small hum of agreement.

She walks away without another word and I turn my head to Brady as I feel my heartbeat start to get faster.

"What just happened?" I asked.

"Don't question it. I am trying to save your life. me." He whispered while rubbing the back of his neck.

He takes a seat next to me and puts a hand on my thigh then rests his head in the crook of my neck. Brady inhales deeply as my breaths become shaky.

My cheek rests on him and I wrap my arms around him in a full embrace. I could feel knots in my stomach which left a warm fuzzy feeling all over my body. I quite liked it.



His eyes meet mine and I glance down at his lips watching as his pink tongue slid across his bottom lip. I gulped deeply and leaned in.

"We should go get ready for the day," He says.

I pull back and feel the blood rush to my cheeks as I close my eyes.

"Y-yeah, that sounds good."

Brady stands up from the couch then walks away and leaves me alone.

What a morning.

Brady's POV

*****In the bathroom*****

I stare at myself in the mirror with pure disappointment and just shake my head. Why was I so stupid? Every decision I have made in the last 24 hours was literally the worst decisions in my life!

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