Chapter Twenty-nine: Pack

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Mia's POV

My hands were shaking and goosebumps rose on my skin from the cold breeze coming and going in the forest. I crawled on all fours back to the tree where I found Aunt Diana grabbing the gun that was laying the floor. Alpha Leo flew to the ground next to me, a small yelp left my lips. He apologized a bit getting up to keep fighting.

"I can't wait to sink my teeth into your porcelain skin, tearing it off of your bones piece by piece."

Karissa stood a few feet away from me the vital fluid for all living things smeared around her mouth. I bounced up pointing my rifle at her getting ready to shoot. She wasn't fazed at all, her bloodthirsty urge wanting to end me. I kept the rifle pointed at her my body shaking from anxiety.

"Why are you doing this?" I whined wiping off the snot with my bare arm that had no wound.

Another gun clicked pointing at me from the other direction, Kaylin crouched a tiny bit holding onto her abdomen that was leaking. We were in a formation of a triangle both women wanting to kill me.

"There are two bullets in here, one for your beating heart and one for your deadbeat mate," Kaylin fought for her breath.

My rifle shifted every two seconds getting ready to shoot either one of these bitches in a millisecond. Kaylin's pistol clicked letting me know she was ready to put a bullet into me. She shot it without hesitation, the small metal ball flying past my ear. I twirl my entire body seeing Uncle Luca on the floor with a bullet hole in his chest.


Now I was pissed. I cried a battle cry tackling Kaylin to the floor slamming my rifle into her skull multiple times. Her head was so indented, the rifle butt began to hit the dirt floor, it didn't stop me though. I yelled profanities continuing to smash her brain with rage. Karissa knocked me over so I was off of Kaylin. She scratched the earth next to me preparing to take my eyeballs out. I bang the rifle into her cheek pushing her off of me this time, I stand up and point the tip at her getting ready to shoot. A bullet entered the side of Karissa's thigh having her howl in pain.

I turned around only to see Aunt Diana holding Kaylin's pistol while she laid on her forearm aiming it at Karissa. My orbs widened in utter disbelief when I saw her awake and alive.

"S-S-she's m-mine," Aunt Diana struggled to say.

Her eyelids squeezed shut and she forced herself off of the ground basically dragging herself toward Karissa. I had my rifle raised high and still aimed at Karissa just in case. Aunt Diana gagged throwing up some red mucus-like ooze before pulling herself on top of Brady's mother.

Her hands ripped open Karissa's mouth wide open fishing her fingers into her mouth. Aunt Diana's fingers clung onto her tongue squeezing it tight and used Karissa's own teeth to slice it off. The loose piece of the tongue now slipping around her digits. She tossed it far returning her fingers back into Karissa's mouth that pooled with blood. Her screaming was muffled but Aunt Diana didn't care. She cried out bloody murder breaking Karissa's jaw.

Brady's mother howled an ear-piercing howl attracting the attention of a few rogues that now marched their way to us. Aunt Diana gave me a look nudging her head to the rifle I held onto dear life. I gave it to her watching as the top of the rifle pointed directly in between the eyes of Karissa. After one shot, her body laid lifeless underneath Aunt Diana.

She fell to the ground next to Karissa eyes rolling to the back of her head.

"Get her!" A rogue snarled.

Before they could make it to me Brady's body slammed one of them to the ground then dodged the punch of the one next to him. He smashed the rogue's body against a tree slitting his throat. I took this as an opportunity to get Aunt Diana. Once I made it to her, I brought her body back next to Uncle Luca's making sure they were together. I knelt down to check Uncle Luca's pulse.

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